Christian Diet
Hi All,
I am fairly new to this forum, please excuse me if this topic has been discussed already. I would like to know what other christians think about what diet the Lord want's us to have. I have read a bit and watched many shows on this some pastors say God wants us to be vegetarians, others say you can eat meat but not from "dirty animals or scavengers eg: pigs, lobster" just curious as to what others understand. it seems with each opinion there is a scripture to back up what each person states so I get confused
Thank you, Ann

I am the same way and also get confused. But realize most of what you read in the old testament is under the old convenant. I found a section in Romans, I believe 14, I will have to go look here in a few, but don't have time to look it up now, But it says that if it doesn't put our spirit in check then it is okay. I think this has a HUGE bearing today, because the bible is so conflicting depending on where you read it. Also, If God wanted us to understand it all perfectly He would have listed it as specifically as the 10 commandments. Anyhow, This is how I look at it, and I am convicted of many things that I didn't deem as bad at other times in my life, I would stop doing this and later I am validated with reasons. IT is so important to seek God's will and heed to the Holy Spirit!
I also believe that certain people are convicted more strongly in certain areas in their lives because these are weak areas for the individual person, that is how God meets each of our individual cir****tances. Most important for me is to always seek his will. If there is peace in a decision then I KNOW it is his will, if there is strife, confusion, and a great deal of anxiety then I better re-look at a decision or action.
Hi Ann, I don't remember this topic ever being brought up, but maybe sometime in the past it has been talked about. My opinion and just my opinion is we can eat anything.I do not have any scriputers off the top of my head to back it up. I do know in the old testament they were very strict about certain things that could and could not be eaten. I think they were called the teachings of Moses. Somewhere in Deuterononomy I think. But after Jesus came the laws changed. That's where the disagreements come in. Some people believe we should still live under the old laws. Not me. That's why I am so thank-ful that Jesus died on the cross for me. Hey maybe Pastor Di will know more on all this. Anyway have a good day. By the way are you a vegetarian. I tried to be, but I just love meat to much.