Praise Report
I am so happy to report that God has answered one of my major prayers. November of last year my daughter wa**** by a truck while she was walking across the street while away at college. She only had minor bruises and scrapes but the xray/scan showed spots on her brain that was not related to the accident. After following up with our pcp she has been diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumor. She has seen a neurologist, she has had 2 ct scans and now she has to see a crainiologist,(sp) optimologist, more xrays etc. Current the tumor is in remission and the specialist and pcp are evaluating how to treat the condition she had. (medication or surgery)
We received notice that she was no longer covered by her fathers insurance and the medicaid was proposing to terminate her coverage effective 9/30 because she is 19 and registered as a student in another city. I prayed and asked God to make a way for her to have insurance coverage to complete the process of her medical treatment. I discussed this situation with my Medicaid worker and on Friday she called me to inform me that she found a program that my daughter would qualify for and she has an appointment on Monday to register. and the program will cover her until she turns 20 in May 05. She really wants to return back to college in the winter at the University of Cincinnati were she majors in marketing and finance.
I thank God for blessing us in this situation. He truly stepped in right on time and I am greatful to Him. THANK YOU JESUS!