SEE YOU AT THE POLE is tomorrow:)

doit 2.
on 9/14/04 1:36 pm - in my little town, NC
Taking my teen to School early so he can participate! I Pray they all have a good turn out!!
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/14/04 10:22 pm - Pulaski, TN
Good for you, taking your son early so he can pray at The Pole! It's so good that parents see this activity as important enough to help in participation! My kids used to go when they were in High School.....I think it is wonderful! I hope there are many around your son's school's pole and those of every school in this country! Psalm 5:11-12 Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. Tell your son I am proud of him! Have a blessed day... Kandy
Glenn S
on 9/15/04 1:55 am - Pecatonica, IL
I can't wait to find out how many were at the pole in our community.
Sally C.
on 9/22/04 9:46 am - colesville, MD
My son just returned to public schools this year, (5th grade). I hope we'll see prayer there. We live in a very dem/liberal part of Maryland, (Montgomery County), and we find the school system here is very anti-christian. I will pray myself tonite for many to show up at the pole. Thanks guys for reminding me! Sally
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