Make Your Request

G. Carter
on 9/13/04 1:58 pm - Columbus, OH
Philippians 4:4-7 4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say Rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God. which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus. As I write these scriptures they are ministering to me and giving me comfort in knowing that God is with me always. No matter what the situation is He is right there to see me through. My request to the Lord is for him to help me to recognize what He wants me to be responsible for and to help me do what He wants me to do and the part that is not for me to deal with to let Him handle it. When I learn this vital lesson in life I will move on to another level in my spiritural walk. Lord I thank you right now for answered prayer. Amen. What special request do you have? List them here so that we can pray for each other on one thread. When your prayer is answered please post your praise report ... giving God the Glory.
on 9/14/04 2:40 am - San Diego, CA
What a great idea. We should do this more often. Let me see. What would I like prayer for. We had the real estate agent come out yesterday, so we are deffinantly putting our house up for sale. Last night I was laying their thinking do I really want to give up my home. It has brought so much security to me. The Lord gently reminded me that he is my security not this thing. I pray that he will remind me daily of that. Would you please pray that my husband and I will be able to keep our eyes on our Heavenly Father daily while we go through this new transition in our life and that we would be able to find a place that will take our dog and three cats.Thank you all in advance. Geri
G. Carter
on 9/17/04 10:23 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Geri, I said a prayer for you on today and I trust that God will make a way for you and your family. May God's choicest blessings be yours. Georgeann
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/14/04 10:53 am - Pulaski, TN
What a wonderful Father we have who says to us "just ask me"....and "don't worry"..... What comfort we deny ourselves when we neglect to talk to Him..... My prayer requests right now are just for health enough to be able to take care of my household duties and my children....for God to protect my home and family and to surround us with angels....and to keep us humble enough to remember to be thankful for what we have and count our blessings. In our situation right now, it is so easy to be down and wish we had more than we do...but we have so much more than many. You see, we live in public housing and survive on public assistance. My daughter works at a fast food place and helps with the bills...I have a 19 year old at home and a 6 year old. I am unable to work right now, but I do clean an office, with my daughter's, times are tough right now...we wish we had a home of our own that we could afford...but I said...we have so much more than many! We have this apartment with air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter, we have food in our cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer...we have clothes in our closets and shoes on our feet and we are relatively healthy....and, on my birthday (9-11) my little brother came down here from IN and GAVE me a vehicle because I have been without one for so long! prayer requests are to be able to learn to trust God completely and stop going back to the "altar" to pick up things that I have laid down for Him to handle!!!! It is obvious that He handles my life WAY better than I do! Praise and Glory be to God!!! Kandy
G. Carter
on 9/17/04 10:44 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Kandy, You are so right ... all we have to do is ask, believe and receive from our Heavenly Father. We have a lot of things alike going on in our lives. God has provided for my needs and reminds me that He is my source. Be encouraged knowing that He will not put more on us than we can handle. It gets difficult sometimes but He knows because He is right there with us. Be encouraged, Georgeann
on 9/14/04 12:27 pm - Polo, IL
AWesome Idea!!! I will begin to write down a list of requests to help me remember whom and what to pray for!!! I thank you Jesus for this Forum, I thank you for my life and my children. Thank You Jesus for being such a wonderful King and everything you do for each of your children!!!!!! We can never be worthy enough of ALL he does for us!!! I just ask that first and foremost that God lead me to Good health so that I can lead a long and healthy life enabling me to continue to effectively raise my children to Love him and teach them The ways of the Lord! Second that God will continue to be my provider, comforter, Leader, My ALL!!! And lastly That He would bless me and my children with a wonderful husband/father, to be the perfect Head of our home and spiritual leader. Thanks For your wonderful Idea Sister Georgie, Luvs ya and appreciate ya BUNCHES, Hugs, Katie
G. Carter
on 9/17/04 11:03 pm - Columbus, OH
Bless you Katie ... thanks for you the emails ... I pray that God will supply all of your needs and give you the desires of your heart according to His riches in glory. Georgeann
Sherri H.
on 9/14/04 5:08 pm - Bakersfield, CA
I have lots of praise for the Lord for bringing us through a tough financial time recently. I had my hours at work cut back at a really bad time. It was when I had just returned back to work after surgery and we were needing to play catch-up on the bills. However, He is so awesome that He provided for us even without me working like I needed to, and proved to us once again, that He is the great provider. I ask for prayer for faithfulness to Him, and to grow in my walk with the Lord. Pray that I will be a good Christian role model for the 3 year olds in the Sunday School class I just started working in. Pray for the Lord's will in my desire to do missionary work in Africa. I have been invited to go over to Nigeria in May with a medical team that my Christian chiropractor takes every year. I have the heart, I just need to wait and see if it is the Lord's will for me to go. Bless you my sisters. I love each of you. In His love, Sherri
G. Carter
on 9/18/04 9:07 pm - Columbus, OH
Hey Sherri, Just keep on seeking God and He will reveal and make the way. Just keep on praising God! God sees your unselfish devotion and loyalty to Him by your desire to work in the mission field. He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him. God bless you. Georgeann
Sherri H.
on 9/19/04 4:11 am - Bakersfield, CA
Bless you Sister Georgie. You are such a sweetheart. In His love, Sherri
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