Thank-you for your prayers

on 9/12/04 12:01 pm - San Diego, CA
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for praying for my family and I on the desision (sp) we had to make concerning my husbands possible unemployment and the decision (sp) for me to go back to work full time our to stay home and home school. We our leaning more towards selling our home and taking the equity and re-investing it to bring in more monthly income, also moving to a place that will cost us alot less each month. We are surely going against what other people think we should do, but through much prayer and your prayers, we have decided that it's most important for our children to be homeschooled. These are our plans but we shall see what the Lord's plans will be. Were open to what ever he has for us.Again thanks so much. Blessing Geri
on 9/12/04 12:15 pm - Warsaw, IN
Dearest Geri-I just read your post and truly will continue to lift you up before the Throne.He will lead you in the right way! Geri--it's so funny but you come to my mind so often during church.I always wonder if you are at church too and I ask Him to bless you every week.It's kind of funny.Maybe I just relate to you as you are always so uplifting to us "new comers" My surgery is 1 week from tomorrow.Please lift me up.I don't think about dying much but when you undergo a procedure you think about it.Please pray for my safety.I have 2 girls 11 & 8 and am not ready to leave them.That's one of the reasons I'm having surgery! I want to be healthy and watch them grow into Christain Womanhood.Would you please pray that He will honor this request?.I mean--I am ready to go if Jesus calls me Home --but I'd love to be around till my children can be on their own.Does this make sense? Anyhoo--thanks for being such a joy.Love you,Shelley
on 9/12/04 12:18 pm - Polo, IL
OH Geri, with you going out of your way to please God and know his Will is for you to homeschool your children, He will truly bless you, In Christ's Love, katie
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