Prayers needed this way
Hi everyone, boy do I miss being here everyday. I find so much comfort among my christian brothers and sisters. I was hoping for some prayers regarding our finanacial situation. My husband's job was cut back to three days a week. He works for surgical centers here in San Diego and many of them are closing down. He was able to pick up one other day for a different one, but that still leaves one day open. We've been working on a little homebased business which we believe the Lord has led us to, but it does take time to build it financially. I'm thinking of going back to work to make ends meet but at the same time I'am homeschooling my two girls two days a week. I guess what Im needing prayer in is God's direction for our life. Do we sell the house and take the money we make off of it and put it in savings in dip into it when needed until my husband finds a better job or do I go back to work full time and put the girls in public school (which would break my heart). Do I try to find a job working at night so I can continue to home school. My husband says he believes after the first of the year he will no longer be working at his current job. I want to do what ever it is that the Lord wants but I'm not sure what it is. My husband and I have both been praying together on this issue but we still do not have a clue. I believe God is trying to build our faith through this trial but I know deep down inside I am worrying about this and I know that is not what the Lord wants of me. He wants me to trust trust trust. He is our provider. I realized today that I have been eating so much more lately and it dawned on me because I have been stressing about this. So please if you have a minute would you say a little for our family and especially for me that I can truly trust my Jesus and rejoice in this trial. That we would also hear clearly what HIS direction is for our life.
Thank-you all so much
Hi, Geri. I read your post for prayer.
Father, I pray that you would envelope Geni and her family this very moment. I ask that the Peace that passes understanding would be their portion. I ask also, that you would give them a miracle in the area of finances and employment for her hubby. I pray that you would help them to focus on You and not what they need to "do" in this situation. You know how hard that is , Lord, but I believe when our focus stays on You, the fear of the world and from the enemy fades.
I ask that you would remind them of all the times in the past when You have been faithful to them, and I pray that would build faith for their present situation.
Move on their behalf, I pray, and once again, Prove yourself faithful! You are an amazing Father, and You have big plans for them, You said this in Jeremiah 29:11. Thanks for Your faithfulness, Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Well, thats taken care of, eh?
Let me know if there is anything else I can be in prayer of for you, Geni. Blessings to you and yours.

Hey Geri,
Can I give you a bit of advice? If you don't follow, not offended just a few words that may help you know in what direction to turn
I am a SINGLE homeschooling mom. I have to be honest, having kids in public school is actually MORE work.
My kids would come home with homework and me having to find time for all 4 of them to help them with it, or just keep them focussed enough to get it done, and even having to reteach them because they didn't understand what they were doing. ALL this AFTER working all day. Then I had to have time for laundry, clean house and supper, etc. It was more work.
I know many parents that work AND homeschool because it is actually in many cases less work.
The other side, is this.
What has God convicted you of?
If you feel it is for "God" reasons that you are homeschooling, then we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on HIM and he will take care of the rest.
I know in the midst of financial crisis sometimes it is so easy to lean on or turn to the "norm" or what is the quickest way out. But, as we all who are christians know......God's timing is NOT the same as our own.
I felt God leading me to homeschool my children last year, and had planned on pulling them out in January after stocking up on things, getting ahead on bills and purchasing curriculum.
God got Louder...the problems Got bad, so with no hope for finances, or buying curriculum, when the principal of the school told me my kids needed to learn who had ultimate authority over them involving a faith issue, that I personally would not have allowed my kids to do, I told them I was all done and pulled my kids.
The first couple months I pulled stuff off the internet, I tested the kids for their levels and for the time being just started working on their learning gaps. My kids progressed so much in this couple of short months.
My dyslexic 8th grade daughter went from a mid 2nd grade reading level to a mid 4th. She had NEVER progressed more than 6 months in any given public school year in the past.
God knows EXACTLy what he is doing
In the months to come I had people send me FREE school books, Free curriculum items, A free reading program that usually cost $3,000+ that is specifically for dyslexic children.
God WiLL provide if we only seek His Will. God has provided my van to be fixed for free when the starter went out, groceries on many occassions. $50 checks here and there from people that I barely knew.
I do sell some stuff on e-bay and babysit, currently working on my child care license.
And know when people help me I do not have any close knit family. many are judgmental of my choices and faith in GOD!...BUT GOD WILL find ways to show you His will and bless you accordingly.
You are in my prayers!!

Thank-you Katie for your encouragment. I don't know why Im fearing now when God has provided a way for us these last few years to homeschool.
When I felt the Lord was calling me to homeschool four years ago I resisted and told him no way. But less than a year later I had both girls home with me. Though it's been difficult at times, I truly feel blessed to be able to do it. This year Lord willing we have put them in a small homeschool group three days a week and I homeschool them two days. I will be able to work maybe three days a week around their time table. Im just not sure of what kind of work I can do. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I've thought of selling on e-bay but do not know where to begin. I know I need to just trust in the Lord, and he will show me a way.
Thanks again
Hi AGAIN, Geri,
As for e-bay, I just sell as I have things to sell, BUT by NO means am I really making an income. You have to have quite a bit of money to invest to truly make the money, I think, LOL. I am by far no expert. But, the sales I do have enabled to buy me things we needed for the house, or clothing items for the kids, and yes even some curriculum items from my wish list
So if you find anyone that knows a way inexpensively to make real money of e-bay please pass it on... IF you want me to help you with info to get set up and started on e-bay feel free to e-mail me privately, I will help anyway I can.
I feel so blessed to be homeschooling my kids, they are so different being under my direction more and less under the direction of people who are so worldly focussed.
Thanks for YOUR encouragement also
Hugs, IN Christ,

Hi again, Have you heard of They have a christian homescooling section on their where you can go for encouragment and prayer. I know of some other neat web sites concerning home schooling. How old are your kids? I may have some curriculum you could have. I bought a used set of math u see and my kids have never used it. I have some 2nd and third grade abeka books too.
See ya
Geri I will be praying with, You will get through this. One thing I would like to say Is you are giving your children the best education don't go backwards (public school). I went through hell being a single parent but I do not regret homeschooling my children. I wish I could homeschool my grands. I plan to open a school through our church one day. You sound like me you have got many ideas to help out, Be still, ask God which route and when he gives you peace about it move that direction, our prayers are with you. You will be successful.
Hi Geri... I Have missed this board too, and you also, lately.
Lord I'm coming to you ,our dear father, to ask for your specific direction and guidance for Geri and her family. Please Lord reveal to them what Your will is for them in each area of concern: finances, homeschooling, employment, etc... You know the desires and concerns of thier heart dear Lord, so please, with your supernatural power, give them the knowledge, peace and joy to carry on in your will. Also Lord please prosper thier business to the point Lord where Geri's husband does not need his out of home job, unless that is his and Your desire. Bless this precious family Lord! I ask this all in your son's glorious name, Amen