Please pray for my hubby

Pam J.
on 9/6/04 10:46 am - Sangerville, ME
Hi everyone, I'm writing to ask for prayer for my husband. He understands why I'm having surgery and agrees...intellectually. But he is very scared that I will die during surgery. He's not saved. He believes in God but just doesn't have the faith that gives us peace. Please pray - both for his salvation as well as his peace of mind. My surgery will be on 9/23 and I would also appreciate your prayers on my behalf. Thank you all for being here and being such a great support system. I also keep you all in my prayers and praise God for your testimonies. Pam
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/6/04 12:27 pm - Pulaski, TN
Pam, I will write your name on my prayer list and keep it in my Bible. I wish you and your husband the peace that only God can truly give during the time of your surgery and beyond. Continue to pray that your husband will find faith and be saved... In my Sunday school class just yesterday, this subject was discussed. A woman there said she has prayed continuously for her husband for 11 years and he is finally coming to church. Don't give up! There is always hope, where there is God. God bless you both, Kandy
on 9/6/04 12:39 pm - Polo, IL
Dear Father, We thank you for the life of Pam and her husband. For the joining of them together. We know your will is NOT for unbelievers to be joined together, and ask that you soften Pam's husband's heart to your will and leading. That You would give him peace that passeth all understanding, and He will KNOW that, that peace he begins to feel can be from no other than YOU! Thank You for providing this surgery as a way for unhealthy people to become healthier and better serve your ministry. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray, Amen!! Blessings, and Love in Christ, Katie
on 9/7/04 12:33 am - Brazoria, TX
Here is a scripture for you to find peace in for your husband... This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3,4 Stay in prayer for your husband's salvation and the Lord will reward you for your obidence. It may take so time but pray without ceasing. He will thank you for it in the long run. I will also be in prayer for you. I know that the Lord has prepared a path for you long before you ever even knew that there was a path. You will do fine in your surgery. The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those (Pam) who trust in him. Nahum 1:7 Shannon The Irish Lassie 266/190/140
Pam J.
on 9/7/04 9:34 am - Sangerville, ME
Thank you all for your prayers and uplifting messages. I do constantly keep him in prayer and I know that our time is not necessarily God's time. I will wait upon the Lord. Pam
on 9/8/04 1:15 am - San Diego, CA
Pam, May our Lord Jesus show himself today in such a special way that your husband will be drawn to the Holy Spirit. That he will be able to come into a love relationship with him, and have the Peace in his heart that only God can give. Blessings Geri
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