RE: Other Christians passing judgement.
It is so hard being christian, and wanting to look at a surgical option for long-term weight loss.
Some things people tell me:
1. God does not want you to alter your body.
2. If you have this surgery you don't fully trust in God.
3. You CAN do it on your own, your just too lazy.
4. If God wanted you thin he would have made you so.
5. If you have this surgery you WILL die.
6. You WILL have severe complications because this isn't Godly.
and many more, and EVERYONE seems to want to point out all the negativity, and not see the emotions underneath and what they
are truly doing in making these statements.
Is it truly them showing God's love this way? Why do they see the need to make a difficult situation harder through degredation?
*sigh* The Christian community is who we should be able to lean on in times like these. Not them being judgmental and making it more difficult
The other side is that they are so uneducated about it yet they refuse to truly research.
I just had to vent this sorry,
I have at least found a group of Christians who truly DO understand!
Maybe God is allowing us to go through this to endure and learn something from it, and to appreciate our size in the future if we obtain the weight loss goals, and those that HAVE.

Katie you can lean on me! I believe the Lord was the one who got my insurance approved, He is the one who gave me the scripture to back up my surgery, He is the one who will get all the glory and honor and praise when I reach my goal in another 44 lbs. My testimony, my ministry, my life, my witness, my worship, my intercessory prayer is much, much more intense and everything about this surgery was MY HEAVENLY FATHER! He made us perfect in the garden of eden however, with all the impurities in our food, the impurities in the air, the sickness, poor choices, we became obese. Was that His plan? Absolutely not! When our tonsils go bad, do we keep them in our bodies? No, or a hysterectomy, or a bad hip, or knee. My, my how silly people can become. You just show the UNCONDITIONAL love that Jesus Christ showed and go for it!
-144 lbs. 44 to goal!
Praising the King of Kings and Lord of Lords:

Thanks so much for your support, it means a lot.
I think my biggest worry when submitting to my insurance is the medically supervised diets, I really don't have any.
I HAVE done MANY MANY diets but I have almost always had Medicaid (state medical assistance) and they don't pay for the medically supervised diets.
I had insurance last year and WAS approved, so I am hoping to include that information when submitting to the state. What happened last year is they had stopped taking my insurance only 2 weeks before we were to schedule the surgery dat. GRRRRRR so frustrating.
I have stuff listed about me but thought I would add.
My grandma died from diabetes, and heart related issues, from being obese. I don't remember a time that she was NOT miserable. My abusive mother (may be do to her being miserable) is almost blind and extremely unhealthy, on insulin injections due to being obese. She has been extremely ill the last two years and no longer obese. Wouldn't want to lose it this way!!
I am 5'2" and 301lbs. I have fibromyalgia, asthma, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance. Pain in my feet when getting up in the mornings, almost unbearable to get up to the bathroom. My back hurts so much of the time (probably from fibromyalgia, but sure the weight too) Problems with hygeine due to the apron belly. and under my chest when it is hot and sweaty OUCH it gets awfully sore!
Blessings, and thanks for your reply!!!
You can always rely on the fact that the Lord has blessed these Dr.'s with the knowledge of how to do this surgery. The Lord is guided you down this path. You only have to stay in prayer and rely on the Lord to take care of everything. Including these people that want to tell you that this is wrong. I will be in prayer for these people. It seems to me that there are more useful things they could be doing with there time. There are so many people out there that aren't saved and it seems as though christians spend more time beating down other christians instead of trying to reach the lost. I am including myself in this statement also. I will be in prayer for you to find peace in your situation.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21
The Irish Lassie
Katie, You have come to the right place. We do understand !! God loves us . When I finally turned it over to God , I felt complete peace. I was not afraid to go into surgery because he was in control. WE all are human and we are not perfect, we all need help in some area, with us it's our weight. With some it's drugs or alcohol or any numbers of things. I thank God my problem is my weight and not some of these other things. God bless you. Judy
Dear Katie,
There are Christians who have brains, and some who don't...
Now, this is meant to be taken as a joke folks.
Don't come after me
to scalp me!!!
I never thought surgery was the best option myself, until my weight ballooned up to 340 lbs. I have gone on so many diets, lost weight, ended up gaining more than what I weighed to begin with. It is a vicious circle. Lose, gain, lose gain. I have given up trying to figue out just how much weight I have lost over the years. I have never been able to lose more than 45 lbs at one time though and I have never have kept it off. Finally, I just gave up.
When I recently started having health problems, I got scared. I have a 12 year old son at home who is borderline autistic and he needs me around. It was then I began to think about WLS. I need this weight off as soon as possible before more body damage is done. You know what? I feel like there is this skinny person living inside of this "fat" prison and she despartely wants her freedom!!
Recently at our church, everyone has gone on this low carb diet craze. Our pastor, my brother-in-law started it, but he is a diabetic, so counting carbs and losing weight truly will help him keep his blood sugars down and of course it will benefit all the folks that have gone on the diet. They all are losing weight and are looking terrific.
Then there I sit, right up front, where everyone can see me, playing the piano, leading the praise & worship service. I feel so embarassed by the way I look. I know there are those people (Christians) who believe that being overweight as I am is not a good witness. And God, forbid you ever mention fasting!! Even on Pat Robertson's program the other nite i found they are doing a weight loss program!! Every where I turn, people are losing weight. It makes me feel like there is something majorly wrong with myself.
I mentioned, being the piano player. Well, of course I sit on a piano bench. But let me tell you that old wood bench, creeks and growns under my weight. Now I have found that the old bench is starting to split apart. Talk about embarassment!! So, I mentioned to one of the older gentlemen who loves to fix things around the church about the bench, thinking he might be able to repair it and I found he had already looked at the bench and informed the pastor that it couldn't be fixed.
The genelteman let me know he is in the process of making me a new bench. He let me know he used carriage bolts in the new one to be sure the bench could hold me. He wants me to come over and test it to be sure it will hold me. EMBARRASSED TO DEATH I AM!! The gentleman is a good hearted man and he was not trying to slight me in the lest, but it embarrassed me to think they would have to make me a bench with huge bolts to hold me.
So, just hang in there Katie and overlooks those who may not understand things. You are always gonna run into those who don't. God gave us medical knowledge to help us. I will keep you in my prayers.
An Embarrassed Sister in Christ,

Thanks so much for your kinds words.
I have tried so many diets, been told by a pastor of a church that I would displease God that I had to do it the "natural way".
It's just not working that way
I have 4 children I homeschool
I understand your predicument with your of my children, a son,
has ADHD, bipolar, conduct disorder, Tourette's syndrome, OCD, ODD, sensitory integration disorder ( might have left something out)
And I NEED to be sure to be health for him.
I am just trying to depend on God in this. NOBODY wants him but me.
His father ( who isn't an appropriate guardian anyhow), his paterneral grandmother, and many friends say if they were me they would put him in a residential facility ( there is all ready and older sister NOT MINE there)
So I am really leaning on God in all this.
My son needs me, so I won't be here in the future if I don't do something NOW......on the other hand things also can go wrong in surgery, BUT
heck I could be in an accident going downt he road, I could be ANYWHERE>
My other view is this:
If God wants to take me home, he's gonna do it regardless of surgery.
If God wants me to stay here (he placed these children in my hands for a reason) he will keep me safe through surgery.
If he wants me to have this surgery he will pave the way I pray, and if he don't he will make obstacles and close the doors.
Blessings, You are in my prayers in your Journey,

I so understand what you are saying! You can take this or leave it, but it has worked for me when I have used it............
"What about the verse that says if your eye offends you, pluck it out, for it is better to go through life blind?" Maybe this was meant to be taken figurativley, maybe literally, but THERE IT IS! So, my stomach (appetite, metabolism, whatever) is offending me. I plan on plucking it out so that I will have more confidence and be a bolder witness FOR HIM!

Dear Katie,
We do understand your pain and the judgement that comes from well meaning Christian Brothers & Sisters.My comment is--walk a mile in my shoes..can't fit on rides at the fair,not wanting my picture taken anywhere,can't find pretty clothes etc.... My surgeon is a Christian man and so is my PCP.So I had this discussion with them and it was wonderful to have the reassurance from them that this is the right path.MY Savior has led me thus far.I even have a prayer team coming in before surgery to pray and lift up HIs name!Just keep listening to your Savior and the people who love you most.When this is all said and done--your compassionate heart will be the one that people will want to turn to for comfort because you have "been there". Hang in there! Shelley Holderman