Prayer needed.........

on 9/5/04 11:10 pm - Laureldale, PA
Hello all....With my surgery just 2 days away (Wed. 8th) I am getting a little anxious, nervous and excited. I would appreciate your prayers so very much. My pastor prayed with me yesterday at church and I really have peace in knowing that this is the right decision and God will be there watching over the Dr.'s, nurse's and me. I guess it just is normal to be worrying about "what if's......" I just keep telling myself "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 In Him, Jennifer
Ann N.
on 9/6/04 12:32 am - FL
Father, be with Jennifer as she has the countdown to surgery. Guide the Drs. and all who will care for her. Grant her peace of mind and calmness that only comes from the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:28...And we know that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord...etc. trust in him Jennifer. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/6/04 5:18 am - Pulaski, TN
Jennifer, What a blessing that you have found peace in your decision. Do you know if your doctor prays? It might make you feel better to have prayer with your caregivers at the hospital. I know God will be with you, because you have asked HIM to do that and you believe and have peace that HE will. My best to you, Kandy
on 9/6/04 7:39 am - Laureldale, PA
Thanks so much for your prayers! I appreciate it so very much! In Him, Jennifer
on 9/7/04 12:49 am - Brazoria, TX
Jennifer, In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 I share this with you so that you know that you will be guided by the Lord in all that you do. Rely on your faith and it will bring you peace. I know that the Lord will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. What you are going through is perfectly normal. I went through it to. It will be just fine. I will stay in prayer for you Jennifer, I look forward to reading the excitement in your future post. Shannon The Irish Lassie 266/190/140
on 9/8/04 1:18 am - San Diego, CA
Jennifer, your probaly having your surgery this very moment. May God guide the surgeons hands, and may everything go smoothly and according to plans. May you have a quick and smooth recovery. Blessings GEri
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