Wanting to Share .

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/04 8:30 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
I have not posted here in a while and have missed my brothers and sisters in Chirst ! I wanted to share with you all , that yesterday my brother Chirs was ordainded a deacon in his church ! He has been such a leader in my life . He had no idea that my mother and my sister and I would be there . What a humble man he was . I also wanted to share my experience in the flood waters we experienced here a week ago today . I was trapped in my car for 6 hours on the highway . What did I do .. I talked to God . I knew that around me there had to be death and destruction .. and there was . But I asked God to spare me and to be with those that where being overrun by flood waters . I heard a story yesterday in church about an police officer a member of the church who jumped in the raging waters to save a woman from drowning in her car . He did not falter or wait - He just did it . No life line -no nothing . When interviewed by the news - they said - why did you do it and how .. He said " BY THE GRACE OF GOD I WENT ' . I parrelled this story to life .. sometimes we see raging waters , bad relationships - or people struggling in their own floods of life . We should just jump in ,.. Let them know that Jesus is here for them - and throw them a life line to our Savior . Yes it is scary to witness sometimes , but you never know - who's soul you may save ... Well, I hope that each and everyone of you have a safe holiday . And may you have a blessed week ! Natalie
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