God's grace humbles me...

Kathy H.
on 9/4/04 4:56 am - bethlehem, GA
If you read my first post, you will know about my situation. I just wanted to post, that God has answered my prayer. Not only did He give me peace, I hold in my hand the report that should have taken two weeks to get. It took 2 Days! I am cleared for my surgery by the psyhcologist, but he recommended post op counseling. I am just awed and humbled by God's goodness to me. I am so undeserving. Thank you all for your prayers. In His grip, Kathy
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/4/04 7:12 am - Pulaski, TN
Kathy, I'm so glad that you got answers to your prayers. To know that we must humble ourselves and admit that we are undeserving of all of God's blessings and goodness makes our relationship with HIM so much sweeter...to know that HE loves us that much to open up HIS hands and hold us and to never turn HIS back on us....... HE is worthy of our praise! God bless you... Kandy
** Judy **
on 9/4/04 7:26 am - Virginia Beach, VA
God ALWAYS knows what is best!!
Sherri H.
on 9/4/04 8:54 am - Bakersfield, CA
That is so awesome. God is so good, ALL THE TIME!! In His love, Sherri
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