on 9/2/04 9:52 pm - Brazoria, TX
I have not been on the boards lately. It seems as though the bottom has fell out lately. There has been a number of things going on for me. Starting last Thurs. my Momma~law who is 76, was admitted in the hospital for pneumonia. Once they had her in a room they found that she was dehydrated, and had some abnormalities showing in her chest x-ray along with the middle lobe of her left lung had collapsed. She has had emphazemia for the past ten years so to say the lest we were concerned. She pulled through it all and was released on Tuesday. However, My Aunt is now in the hospital in Athens. I am going to Ennis, this weekend to go with my Dad to see her. This is where I need your prayers... See she was living with her Son and has for the past 15 years. She is 82 years old. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance on Tuesday. She is in ICU. Here is the run-down of what is going on with her. They had to give her 3 units of blood on Wens. and another yesterday. She has 6 large ulcers in her stomach and was extremely malnurished and dehydrated. This is due to the fact that my cousin who is in his 60's and his wife have not been feeding or giving her anything to drink, with the expection of taking her meds. she was given a small amount of water. Her organs had begun to shut down and her eye sight is falling her now. The state is involved now, Thank God for that, and they are checking in the fact of why she was not feed for over two and a half weeks and little to drink for three. It wasn't even the family that called the paramedics...it was the new girl-friend of my cousin that was so scared after helping her up after a fall in the bathroom she thought that my Aunt was dieing. My Aunt, when she comes out of the hospital will go into a rehab center, and from there move in with my Dad. I am so upset with the situation that I sat in prayer and cryed for most of the day yesterday. She really needs our prayers!!!!! I know that God will never give us more than we can handle. However, sometimes Big D and I think He has more confidence in us than we have. Thxs and sorry this is so long. Shannon The Irish Lassie 266/190/140
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 9/2/04 10:11 pm - Pulaski, TN
Shannon, I'm so sorry to hear about all of the ill health in your family right now, but especially about your poor Aunt. I'm glad she is now getting the help that she needs. Have faith that she got help in time and she will be ok. Isaiah 66:13 ... "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted," says the Lord. I wish for you, your Aunt and your family the comfort of the Lord today and all days. May God be with you and enrich you with blessings. Sincerely, Kandy
G. Carter
on 9/3/04 10:08 am - Columbus, OH
I will remember your famiy in prayer Shannon. Georgeann
on 9/8/04 2:30 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Shannon, I know this is kind of late in writing this, but I pray that God has been working everything out with your family. Boy do you have alot going on. May he give you Peace during this difficult time. I pray that your aunt will be healed and will go to the right place to be taken care of. Blessings Geri
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