Lead me to scripture...
Hi, I am a newbie to this board. I am doing research on WLS Since May. I am on this website daily. Love it!
I have attended two seminars. One Dr does only Open Rny. The other does Open/Lap Rny. And next thursday I am attending a seminar on Lap band surgery by another Dr.
I have a close friend that I talk to that had Lap Rny. She is doing great. I met a woman that had Lap Band surgery in NY. She loves her decision. And I have a phone # of a woman that had Open Rny. And my uncle ( the black sheep of the family) had Open Rny. He had complications and does not recommend his Dr.
I have heard the good with the bad.
What I am asking from you is this... I need to figure out if this is truly an option for Me! I have a strong faith. I do not attend church and have not for several years. Could you give me Scripture references to help me make my decision? To lead me to God*s will...Can you pray with me?
Because if this is not for me...I need some kind of help.
I have been praying for motivation/ determination to do something about my weight. I feel like I am stuck in Quick sand...
I keep thinking If I just diet I will gain it back and more... I thought surgery would KEEP it off. But I read tonight that is not true...???
Sorry this is so long,
Thanks for reading this...

God bless you. Thanks for sharing. I too have a strong faith in our Lord and I fought weight loss surgery for 6 years now. I was so against this because I thought my faith was to see me through this. I thought I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength. I am a preacher, I am a leader, a Pastor , I thought," I preached faith, why am I still fat." I tried and I have not been successful and I could go on and on. But, I am now convinced that is was God that lead me back to this road. My heart was not receptive the first time when it would have been real easy for me to get the surgery. I would have been further up the road in ministry. Now I had more to learn, I had to start seeing God show up in the illogical and the unfamiliar, I had to see God work in areas that I knew only he could. I sometimes think that if I had been a success at dieting I would be proud and arrogant and probably say look at what I have done. I know now that when I have the surgery it will be look how the Lord has blessed me and look what He has done for me. I don't have my bible with me, I am a work, but in my spirit what comes to mind is the scripture that tells us to flee from sin. I cannot quote it for you. but there is a word that says He gives us a way to escape.... it is talking about sin. My eating habits and my weight gain was sin to me. I was out of control. I believe this is my escape from the clutches of the addiction of food. The word works if you work it. Surgery is a tool, it will work if you work it. Only those that are unfamiliar with surgery will be negative. You have to talk with the Lord and ask him is this his will for your life. I was hard headed and God was faithful, sometimes the Lord just continues to show me something and patiently waits on me to "get it". I say okay God I finally got the message, sorry it took me so long. I just was not sure it was you. Then I can just hear him saying to me Not sure it was me how big of a sign did you need.
God bless you . We quiet and listen, but be ready for an answer.
Pastor di
I don't know if it is God's will for you to have WLS. That will be between you and God, but I will pray that you find peace in making a decision.
I have some scripture, from a little book that I have called Prayers for a Woman of Faith.
Psalm 62:5-6 ... Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
Psalm 31:7-8 ... I will be glad and rejoice in your love O Lord, for you saw my affliction and knew the anquish of my soul. You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.
Psalm 4:1 ... Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God. Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
Psalm 13:5 ... I trust in your unfailing love, O Lord; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 33:22 ... May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
I hope these scriptures help you, Tasha in finding some peace. God bless you...