Please Pray for those in hurricane path

c&j's Maw-Maw
on 8/31/04 10:57 pm - Pulaski, TN
Please send up prayers for those who are in the path of this latest hurricane brewing up...i think her name is Frances...whether they are directly or indirectly in it's path. Thanks! Kandy
** Judy **
on 8/31/04 11:33 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Kandy: Thanks for thinking of other. This is a wonderful prayer request. God want to be asked to take this situation. We are asking and He will answer. Since I live in Virginia Beach, VA, this is a special prayer request to me. We lived through storms from Isabel last year. It was yucky -- we had one tree fall across the drive and it hit a darling dogwood. The dogwood is still alive, but still a little misshapen!
on 9/1/04 6:59 am - brooklyn, NY
Prayers are going up, my sister-in-law and her family are in the Bahamas trying to get a flight home, because the storm is supposed to hit there on Thursday.
on 9/1/04 1:44 pm - Adirondack's, NY
Hi Kandy, I will definately be praying for those in the path of the hurricaine. I grew up in St Lucie County, Florida where the eye of the hurricane is supposed to hit. The majority of my husband and I's families all live in that general area! May God watch over and protect them in this time of need. Amen! God Bless, ~Pam
on 9/2/04 9:03 am - Northwest, NC
My family is in W Palm Beach. They are all safe and locked in with shutters and water. NC is covering all of them in prayer...
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