Prayers needed please

Kathy H.
on 8/31/04 9:57 pm - bethlehem, GA
Hi everyone. Today is my appt. with the center, where I will talk with nutritionist. Then on to see the surgeon this afternoon. I want to be healthier. I want this surgery. Please pray that I make the right decision about this surgery. I know what the complications could be. I am beyond terrified to leave my daughter (12), and my son (13). My husband is disabled and older...I don't know how my kids would be without me...I am their support, and almost both mother and father... Please pray that God will lead me to a right decision, take away my fear, and give me peace. My co workers/friends are praying that if this is meant to be, everything will move smoothly,and so far it has. I have yet to send in the approval letter to my ins. company. I am relatively new here, but have posted a few times before. All of you are wonderful...thank you so much! God Bless, Kathy
** Judy **
on 8/31/04 11:29 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Good morning Kathy: Prayer has gone up for you. Request has been made to the heavenly father that if this is God's will all things will go through smoothly; if it is not, request that God place a roadblock in the way! Trust Him!!
Sherri H.
on 9/1/04 2:43 am - Bakersfield, CA
Just prayed for you, Kathy. I prayed for doors to open and a smooth journey if it is His will. I also prayed for relief from your fears about the surgery. I know that every step of the way I prayed for a door to close if I was not doing it for the right reasons. I was so afraid of vanity, because that is NOT why I did it. The Lord opened every door and it was an effortless journey. I have never had anything go so smoothly in my life! Praise the Lord! Bless you, Sherri 10 weeks post-op 251-196 lbs. size 22w-18 (some 16's now)
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