Please pray for me...

c&j's Maw-Maw
on 8/31/04 7:11 am - Pulaski, TN
I am here today to ask for fervent prayers for myself and my family. I am turning my life back over to God! I am tired of being sad...grouchy...frowning...afraid....tired...unhealthy....and lost! Please pray that I have the strength to begin and sustain this journey back to Christ and to live in HIS light. Thank you so much, Kandy
on 8/31/04 8:29 am - brooklyn, NY
It is done, GOD is waiting for you with open arms ready to forgive all of your sins. He will never hold your past against you as long as you are sincere in your desire to serve him. You will be in my prayers as you make your way back to his loving and forgiving arms. GOD bless. Peggy
on 8/31/04 8:52 am - San Diego, CA
Kandy, Rev. 19:3 AND AGAIN THEY SAID HALLELUJAH Welcome home. May our Lord Jesus protect you and your family. May he surround you all with his angels. May the Holy Spirit speak truth to you, and guide your each and every footstep. Kandy I pray you will feel the love of God on the days when life seems so hard and overwhelming. Love Geri
c&j's Maw-Maw
on 8/31/04 9:22 am - Pulaski, TN
Thank you so much for your prayers. I feel the love of God already and pray for his strenght to guide me. Today, alone, I walked through Wal-Mart without my back killing me and was able to be cheerful with the greeter and cashier...God is good and merciful! I talked with my good friend with whom I used to ride to church, and she said "of course" I could ride with her again! So, Sunday morning, my daughter and I are going back to church! I am trying to convince my 19 year old daughter to go with us, and she said she keep her in your prayers as well. Thank you again. Sincerely, Kandy
on 8/31/04 12:29 pm - Warsaw, IN
Dearest Kandy, He is very near to the brokenhearted...and that is you right now..but remember.."when I am weak..that's is when I am strong"He is with you and forever will be.Just keep your mind and heart open to Him.Please keep us posted,dear one.Love,Shelley
Pastor di
on 8/31/04 4:23 pm - DALLAS, TX
God bless you my dear sister, and Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice. We are so happy for you and Please know we are here for you if you need anything feel free to ask. I will keep you in my prayers and pray for your strength, I believe as you move and your daughters see the joy of the Lord all over you, see will indeed follow. God's richest blessings to you and your family. Pastor di
G. Carter
on 8/31/04 7:04 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Kandy, When you said in your heart that you were going to turn your life back over to God ... the angels in Heaven began to rejoice as JESUS welcomes you back into the royal family. Give the back his sadness ... grouchyness ... frowning... fear ... tiredness ... sickness ... and lonelyness and take everything back that is rightfully yours. Welcome back! Georgeann
** Judy **
on 8/31/04 11:23 pm - Virginia Beach, VA
Good move Kandy -- God will never fail -- He is always available!!
on 9/1/04 12:57 am - pittston, PA
The heavens and all of us on this site are rejoicing!!!
Shirlene H.
on 9/1/04 4:04 am - Van Etten, NY
Hello Kandy! I'm so pleased to hear you've come back to the Lord! I too had fallen away, far away, and about two years ago I rededicated myself to the Lord. I am a mother of 4 too... 4 sons... and I was just about as miserable as a person could be. Since welcoming the Lord back into my heart and asking Him daily to continue his good works within me, I am changing for the better in many ways every day. It sure does take time and I am often reminded that "the only thing good in me is Jesus" but I continue to ask Him that He becomes more prevelant than me. I know that the Lord and all the angels are rejoicing! Remember... With Him all things are possible for you! God Bless you and you family, Shirlene
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