Hey Everyone

G. Carter
on 8/30/04 7:56 pm - Columbus, OH
I have not forgotten about everyone ... I have become so addicted to OH until I was not getting important things done so I have to limit my time on OH. I pray that everyone is doing well and continuing to put their trust in God. After this Wednesday, I have one more nutrition class and the my consultation with my surgeon on the 23 of Sept. Still waiting on approval from Medicaid. Please call my name out in prayer because I have so many situations going on in my life that only God can help me with. I just want to be open to the move of the Holy Spirit so that I don't miss my blessing. I will post on tomorrow. Love you all, Georgeann
** Judy **
on 8/31/04 4:08 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Georgeann: I have called your name in prayer -- God will be there for you. Just trust Him for ALL the answers!!
G. Carter
on 8/31/04 6:13 pm - Columbus, OH
Thank you Judy!!
Pastor di
on 8/31/04 9:00 am - DALLAS, TX
Hey my friend we agree in prayer it shall be done. I have been missing you and also trying to make sure I am taking care of everything assigned to my hand. I ive got your email address, I will email you soon. be blessed di
G. Carter
on 8/31/04 6:32 pm - Columbus, OH
Thank you my online pastor and dear sister in the Lord for thinking about me and holding me up before the Lord. I'm holding on and hanging in there. I'll try to post at least once a day to let you know that I am okay. There is no worse feeling than to wonder where somebody is ... I will not do that to you. I see you got that date ... CONGRATULATIONS! TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS. Georgeann
on 8/31/04 12:32 pm - Warsaw, IN
I am shouting your name as we speak asking Him to bring all the pieces together and give you peace.He won't let you miss your blessing! He loves to surprise us.He is so good.Remembering you..Shelley
G. Carter
on 8/31/04 6:40 pm - Columbus, OH
Shelley, Thank you for your prayers and you are so right ... God does like to show up when we least expect Him with that suprise blessing. Georgeann
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