Please say a prayer for me!

on 8/28/04 12:52 pm - Jefferson, NC
Hello everyone!! This is the Best Forum! I am getting my appointment set up with my surgeon and need you all to pray for me!! I know that I am no where near the surgery, but I am already nervous and maybe I should say scared! I have 2 small children at home and can't stand the thought of leaving them!! I need to have Faith in God and just trust him. I have prayed that he open the doors that are to be opened and close the doors that are to be closed, so if everything goes through, then it is his will. I don't know why I am already so nervous & scared. Thank all of you so much that responed to my last post. God Bless all of you!! Thanks so much!!! Your sister in Christ, Stephanie
Shirlene H.
on 8/28/04 10:05 pm - Van Etten, NY
Hello Stephanie! I understand exactly what you are feeling. All the while I was considering this surgery those thoughts continued to go through my mind. Once I found this website and started reading profiles and messageboards and learning more about it, the less fear I had. I once posted on the main board "any regrets post-ops?" Most of the responses were regrets at all the worry before surgery and waiting so long to have the surgery. At the same time I had a lady e-mail me with her horror story. The thing is, even knowing the risks, once I realized that the Lord was with me on this and I made up my mind to go ahead with this process (i'm still pre-op too), my fear totally left me. Thank you Lord. Now....once I have a date and that date starts approaching, I'm sure I'll be opened up to a whole new set of emotions. But I am confident that the Lord will see me through. If this is in His will, He will continue to give me all the peace I need and when I feel old man fear creeping in I'll be sure to lay it at His feet and ask for some more of that almighty strength and peace to come over me. Steph... that's exactly what I'll pray for you too.... I totally believe that the Lord has shown me this board as well, to come to for encouragement when needed and to find new relationships with people who love the Lord as much as I do and who may be or have gone through the same things that I am. So keep on posting and you're sure to be blessed by the love of Christ that lives here! God Bless, Shirlene
on 8/28/04 10:07 pm - Northwest, NC
You are really going for it! Good for you. We are working on the support group meeting and it looks like we are going to try to have our first meeting Oct. 1. I have had several inquiries since I posted I was walking the Walk for Life for the first time! It should be very interesting. Take care Stephanie. We'll see you around town
on 8/29/04 5:26 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Stephanie, I will be praying for you. We've all felt the same feelings. May our sweet Jesus give you his PEACE during this time of waiting. Blessings Geri
Lydia B.
on 8/29/04 5:46 am - Henderson, KY
Hi I will pray for you, and I know how your feeling. Those thoughts are the very reason I backed out. I"m not sure what surgery your going through. But I backed out of the RNY. If I get one it will have to be the lap band and right now that door is closed because I have medicare. But if it gets open I know for sure it will be of God. So just hold on to your faith and what ever you decide I'm behind you. YOur sister in Christ. Lydia
on 8/29/04 12:30 pm - Jefferson, NC
Thanks to everyone *****sponed to my post!! Thank you also for your continued prayer and support!!! I know everyone will do great, and to all you losers, well nevermind we won't talk about that!!! HaHa!! Thanks again and God Bless you all!! Your sister in Christ, Stephanie
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