Hi everyone.

Lydia B.
on 8/27/04 3:59 am - Henderson, KY
I'm new to this board, but I am totally a Christian. I go to church 5 times a week, and serve God with all my heart. I had started on a journey for the gastric bypass but my dad who is also my pastor didn't have a good feeling about it just yet, so I stopped and didn't want to add more stress to any of my family. I've had 4 back surgeries and in pain with my back and legs all the time. I'm about 240 lbs. I would love to have the lap band done, since it's not as dangerous and I wouldn't be in the hospital for long periods. I live 2.5 hours from the hospital, so my family would be in a bind with it. I'm on medicare and waiting for them to approve that service. Than I can move on to it. I'm on reliv, something my dad had just found and we've all gotten into it. It's great with vitamins and minerals something my body was starving for. They say we overeat because we aren't getting the right vit. and min. that we need. So I'm trying that for now. I feel great on it. So I'm not knocking it at all. I think it's great for everyone. Anyone interested in it can write me at anytime. I'll be glad to try and answer any questions about it. But pray in the mean time that I can possibly get the lap band. Thanks, Lydia God bless you all!!!
Shirlene H.
on 8/27/04 4:28 am - Van Etten, NY
Hi Lydia! Blessings to you too! So glad that you've shared with us. I will keep you in my prayers in hopes that all doors open for you to have the lap-band surgery, in God's will. Keep us posted on how your progressing. Shirlene
Lydia B.
on 8/27/04 3:09 pm - Henderson, KY
Thank you for the blessings and your prayers. I'm hoping doors will open for me too. Thanks so much. Lyda
on 8/27/04 10:04 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Lydia, so glad you can join this board. I will pray for you on being able to get the lab band. Ive heard some pretty positive things about it. Speaking of Reliv that's what my husband and I do for our part time business. I started taking it because it's in a liquid form and I knew that the absorbtion rate was so much higher. Did you know that it is not a vitamin but actually a food. I do not take vitamins anymore because I get more nutrients out of this then I would taking a vitamin. We just got back from a conference in St. Luis and was just blown away on how this has helped so many with health issues. If you need to talk to anyone who has incredible results with back pain by taking this stuff I can have you talk to them. Hope you can continue to come back here. It's a great site. Blessings Geri
Lydia B.
on 8/27/04 3:02 pm - Henderson, KY
Hi Geri, I'm so glad to hear that. I just started on it this last Sun. I really like it. I had swollen ankles and feet for so long and the other day I looked down and could not believe I could actually see my bones in my foot. What about weight loss on it? Have you heard any good news on that? And yes I'd love to hear from someone that has been helped with back pain on it. The surgeries have messed up some nerves in my back and legs. and it's been pretty painful at times. I still have'nt had results for that so far, but there is 3 or us who say that our muscles in our legs and things are getting sore. Me, my calves and boobs, and some have complained of head aches. Any suggestions on this. We have a couple of kids starting it in our church who are ADHD and one is a down syndrome child who has lost her hair as well. So we have great hopes on this product. Believe with all our heart that God has sent it to us. Anything you have to share you can write me at [email protected] thanks so much for your prayers. and So happy to have some christian friends on here too: Lydia
G. Carter
on 8/27/04 6:37 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Lydia and welcome to the Christian Forum! Georgeann
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