Goodmorning everyone

on 8/26/04 3:03 am - San Diego, CA
Hello everyone, I hope your all having a blessed day. I just wanted to share something that might encourage anyone who might be struggling wondering if it is God's will to have or not to have this surgery. The scripture is Heb. 11:6. It talks about the faith for desperate days. We have all had desperate days concerning our weight. We have tried over and over again to lose and have had days of despair. The desperate days are the stepping-stones into the path of light. Sometimes we have to come to our "wits end" of desperation to begin to see God's power. Im not saying this surgery is right for everyone, but if your desperate to be healthy again and God has put this desire in your heart, and you feel the only way you can do it is through this surgery, then try not to feel guilty. I say this because I did feel guilty many times while going through this journey and it took away the joy of going on this journey with the Lord. I hope this all made sense. Love Geri
** Judy **
on 8/26/04 5:42 am - Virginia Beach, VA
Geri: I appreciate your post. I sometimes let the enemy tell me "you should be able to do this with God's help". When I think it through, I know that I am doing this "with God's help". If I had cancer and could not make myself healty again, I would not hesitate going to the Surgeon. This is the same thing. I have tried for years and have been either not successful or just temporarily successful. I thank God that He has made this tool available. I am still pre-op, but I know this is just another example of God's touch through the healing hand of doctors. Thanks again for your post!
G. Carter
on 8/26/04 5:50 am - Columbus, OH
Thank you for the encouragement Geri. Georgeann
Pastor di
on 8/26/04 3:28 pm - DALLAS, TX
Great post! I wish all the other boards could read it. It should be encouragement to everyone. Pastor di
Shirlene H.
on 8/27/04 4:18 am - Van Etten, NY
Geri, Thank you so much for the words of encouragement (again). As a pre-op, it is very encouraging to hear words like this, especially from someone who is so far out of the surgery. I, for one, feel like the Lord is leading me down this path and finding this message board is another confirmation for me that I'm on the right track. Love you Lord! Shirlene
on 8/27/04 12:00 pm - Warsaw, IN
Geri --girl-- you have the gift of encouragement! Have you ever been told that? Your message came at the right time! I have struggled w/ guilt but now...I'm am taking my Saviors hand and walking until surgery is over or the doors close.I am scheduled 9/20/04.Geri--will I really be free from the bondage of food? Will I grieve the food? That sound goofy but food is my pal,source of comfort...How is your life different now?Thank you for all your love and support--Shelley Holderman P.S.Would'nt it be fun to have a shopping spree with all of us when we get thinner?? tee hee
on 8/29/04 11:45 am - San Diego, CA
Shelly, I am so happy that you have decided to become guilt-free. 9-20 is coming up quickly. Don't be surpised if you become very emotional the last week or two. Just remember who will always be by your side. You asked me if you would grieve food, and be free of the bondage of food. Im not really sure. I think everyone goes on this journey so differently. I did grieve food a little but I just kept telling myself that before long I would be able to eat like a thin person and that seemed to help me. Also the doctor told me I could eat sugar free fudgesicle's and that seemed to help me alot. I think we all figure out a way. Food was a very big comfort to me, but I was not very hungry so it really couldn't comfort me. My life is so much better now. Physically I feel better then when I was in my forties. Even 30's. But most of all this surgery reminds me so much of how God answered my prayers. For many years I would beg God to help me lose weight. I really never thought he would do it with the surgery because I was only a hundred pounds over weight and I just thought no way would insurance ever pay. But because I started getting so bad off physically the insurance paid for it. I believe only God caused that to happen. Now when I sstart to doubt God and complain I remembered what he did for me and I realize that he will always do what's best for me. As far as a shopping spree, mine was the good ole gargage sales or thrift stores. I just didn't want to spend alot of money on clothes I was not going to stay in. Will Shelley I hope I didn't bore you to much. Keep coming here to share and be uplifted. In his name Geri
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