Please pray for Alice

on 8/26/04 2:30 am - San Diego, CA
Hi you all. A lady named Alice came down here to San Diego to have her surgery. I was able to go visit her and we walked through a tourist place and had breakfast. I got to know her and she's such a sweet and wonderful lady. She's in surgery at this minute, so Im hoping you can all go to her surgery page and write a little note to her. She has no family down here so I think she would be so happy to get some well wishers. Her name is Alice Hardesty and she's from Alaska. Carmella was able to post her web site at one time. I would post it now but I do not know how to do it. I thank you all so much for your time. Blessings Geri
G. Carter
on 8/26/04 5:57 am - Columbus, OH
Hey Geri ... here is the link to Alice Hardesty's page:
on 8/26/04 6:05 am - San Diego, CA
Georgeann, thank-you so much. How do I get that to my message I type in. I wanted to post to the other boards but I do not know how to get that long line of letters to come across, then the red line underneath it. Thanks Geri
G. Carter
on 8/26/04 9:19 am - Columbus, OH
Geri, In order to include a link in a message ... you have to either copy and paster the link into your message or type it out and when you send it ... it will show up as a link with the red line under it. Hope this helps.
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