HI Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

on 8/24/04 1:05 pm - Adirondack's, NY
Hello! I am not new to the board, but I don't post as regular as I should. I tend to hit the main board and use the name Jesus as much as I can. A REBEL AT LARGE!!! (pardon the pun) I think we should all lift up the 'non-believers' on the other boards. It is really sad for people to come right out and DENY our Lord! I feel sad that they can't know the grace and glory that we feel with HIM in our lives! I too am thankful that God put us together to lift each other up and support one another! As good Christians we are all bound to encounter persecution.. it is a sign of us doing our job! So put your armor on brothers and sisters.. I am afraid the battle is going to get worse!! God Bless you all and thanks again for your love and support!!! ~In HIS love! ~Pam
Oh, Donna
on 8/24/04 5:15 pm - North Bay Area, CA
YEA! All I can think of right now is "Onward Christian soldier..."
G. Carter
on 8/24/04 5:45 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Pamela ... nice to meet you!!! Georgeann
Pastor di
on 8/24/04 7:40 pm - DALLAS, TX
Very well said, we must keep loving, and leading them in everyway we can. Gog Bless you in you endeavors. Pastor di,
Shirlene H.
on 8/25/04 2:38 am - Van Etten, NY
You are so right Pam! I haven't visited the main board since I've become so active here... but I will be sure to visit and "spread some of the Lord's light around". God Bless! Shirlene
on 8/25/04 6:36 am - San Diego, CA
Pamela, thank-you for reminding us how we need to be about our Father's business. I believe that is probaly one of the most important things that our Lord would want us to be doing down here. Praying and loving the unbelievers. I believe the main board is so important because that is where you get so much information from pre-op and post-op patients. Also the question and answer board helped me so much in my journey. Thanks again. Blessings Geri
on 8/25/04 10:12 am - Adirondack's, NY
Thanks you Geri! And everyone else that posted! Sometimes I get a little LOUD and preachy, but I feel that we have to be blunt to unbelievers. There is no 'shade of gray', it's black or white and I feel that if ONE person gets saved or shows up in a church because we have sparked curiosity... we have done our job! I also try to be up-beat and cheery.. Sometimes we get a bad wrap, as Christians. I want someone to say, "Hey, she is always happy and upbeat, I wonder where she why she is that way!" Well, I want to be able to share my testimony... and tell them what God has to offer! God Bless! ~Pam
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