How's Pastor Di

on 8/24/04 6:30 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Pastor Di, I hope your having a blessed day. I didn't see a post from you so I just wanted to make sure you are doing o.k. Blessings Geri
G. Carter
on 8/24/04 4:21 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Geri ... I miss her too. I pray that all is well with her. Georgeann
Pastor di
on 8/24/04 7:50 pm - DALLAS, TX
Hey girlfriend, Thanks for thinking about me! Love di
Ashley S.
on 8/25/04 8:37 am - Anywhere, US
Hello, I happen to be ordained as well, and I live in Kansas City, MO. I'm a worship leader at the International House of Prayer, and the director of Strengthened By Grace Ministries. I noticed on your profile that you enjoyed writing commentaries. Do you do that professionally? We are in the midst of putting together a website, and could use the services of someone like yourself. If you think you might be interested, would you email me at: [email protected]? Thanks, JB
Pastor di
on 8/25/04 7:18 pm - DALLAS, TX
God bless you, JB, good reading your post. no I have never written professionally, I have been writing since I was a kid. I have had a lot of my literature used in various training sessions, workshops, I use to write for a Baptist Evangelical Board in college. I talk a class in Bible College, called What To Do WITH That Word. It was an english class as well as a class teaching preachers how to build sermons. I kinda been selling myself short for a long time but I am on my way to the place God called me. I am a willing vessel, if I can be of any help, say the word. Pastor di
Pastor di
on 8/24/04 7:49 pm - DALLAS, TX
I have got the biggest smile on my face. Thanks for asking about me. I missed you too. I have been a little busy this week trying to reorganize my home with my son moving in and out. I have also been competing with him for my computer. I feel so blessed to have this board you all are so wonderful. I talk to so many people each day. I spend so much time counseling others, seldom do I feel like others are really concerned about me. Thank you! I pray all is well with you. di
on 8/25/04 7:27 pm - Toronto, Canada
Wonderful. I'm ordained too. Cathy
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