i am so depressed today

on 8/24/04 1:23 am - KY
i am sorry to be such a downer..but could you please pray for me..i am so down..my head hurts so bad party due to injury and partly stress..w.c. lawyer is driving me crazy..i lost my dad on jan 16 2003 and i got hurt nov 2 2002 my dad died suddenly from an aneurysm. and i hadnt seen him since dec24 2002 because i was passed out on couch on pain meds and muscles relaxers..and he only lived a few houses from me..i cant deal with his death even though i have had what most people consider enough time..i am at the end of my rope..i take paxil,wellbutrin and ambien to sleep and nothing helps..i cant sleep..any suggestions. happygal(not)
on 8/24/04 1:59 am - San Diego, CA
Happygal, It's o.k. to have some down days. My dad died two years ago this Nov. and some days I will just wake up missing him so bad. It's on those days I know the Lord is holding me extra tight in his loving arms even though I may not feel it. Every persons grieving time is different. Continue to come here for support and prayer. Blessings Geri
Shirlene H.
on 8/24/04 2:17 am - Van Etten, NY
God Is Really There When the tide comes rolling in, And the mighty oceans roar, It can go on land so far. That is all...it goes no more. When the storm clouds gather round us And the great big raindrops fall, Just so much will fall to earth As it heeds the Master's call. When the load becomes so heavy That the body cries in pain, Remember that this too will end - Like the ocean and the rain. So adorn thyself with gladness. Remember, God is really there. He takes time to feed the sparrow, And He always answers prayer. - Author Unknown -
on 8/24/04 3:56 am - HOSCHTON, GA
My Dad has been dead for 18 years and I still miss him. But as time goes on you will begin to think about the good times instead of his death. I was with my Dad everyday nearly all my life, he had a small country store and I worked with him . I carried him to the hospital the day he got sick. Two weeks later he had an aneurysm in the night and died at the hospital alone. We had a hard time dealing with that. We had stayed around the clock till that night and he told Mama to make Jean (my sister ) go home , she didn't need to stay . He was dead about 2 hours after we left the hospital. I don't cry anymore , I thank God Daddy doesnt' suffer anymore. But you deal with your grief what ever is best for you. God bless you. Judy
G. Carter
on 8/24/04 5:19 pm - Columbus, OH
Hi Happygal: My Mother died in December 1999, my God-mother Thanksgiving Day 2002 and my Father July 2003. In 1999, I was hospitalized for 5 weeks with 6 death threatening co-morbities. My mother who had renal/kidney failure died while I was recovering at home. I only got to see her once within that 5 week period for only 10 minutes. My mother actualy died in the same hospital room with the same wonderful nurses I had taking care of her. The last time I saw my Mom was at the funeral. Although I talked with her every day it was not the same as being their for her. I did feel bad for not being able to be there for her ... but God gave me comfort in knowing that she was well taken care. My Godmother died on thanksgivng in 2000 from complications from diabetes. I came home from church to find my godfather sitting in my driveway to inform me that she was gone. My father died last July from lung, liver and brain cancer. He asked me and my children to move in with him to care for him. He did not want to die in a facility or a hospital and requested to die at home. I honored his wishes and my two children along with the the help of a wonderful hospice nurse took care of him until he passed. I thank God for blessing me to have had these special people in my life and there will always be apart of them that will be apart of me. I miss them so much and I tell God how much I miss them. He sends His Holy Spirit to comfort me in the midst of my sadness and I feel like a baby in the arms of a loving mother. My loved ones had a personal relationship with the Lord and I know that they are with our Heavenly Father. Be encouraged and just like someone else had suggested ... keep coming back. God loves you and wants what is best for you. Georgeann
on 8/25/04 4:19 am - pittston, PA
When my husband died Nov. 2000, me and my daughters were so devistated. He was 44 yrs old. My youngest daughter who is now 27 had just said " I don't think I'll ever get over his death." Everyone goes through the grieving process at their own pace. Don't beat yourself up because you were too sick to see him. The Lord nows your heart. As I tell my daughter, the Lord is coming back for us real soon and we'll all be together. I will continue to pray for you. My advise is get into the Word and call the devil just what he is, A big LIAR. Please keep us posted.
Sally C.
on 8/28/04 2:37 pm - colesville, MD
My sweet little HappyGal. I am so sorry to hear that the pain of greif still remains so strong in your soft heart. When a death occurs to someone close we never really feel complete again. Unfortunately death itself is a life issue, and an issue we are never prepared to experience. Surely mourning is difficult and the memories flood our thoughts. But dear one, God is our hope and all the answers and comfort rest in him. The Lord loves you and is holding your pond of tears in his palm. They are precious to him and he will gather them together, never allowing one to go uncomforted. Each precious drop is chersihed and is comforted by his compassion for you. When I was 18, (I'm now 45), my twin sister died in a tragic gun accident for which I was involved. Today I still long to hear her laughter and feel very alone at times. I even feel anger all these years later. Wanting to know why it all happened while we were so so young? And why, oh! why did it have to happen the way it did? I am prideful and selfish, wanting things to go the way I want them to. And demand answers like a stubborn child. I wanted my life to be painfree and grief-free. I will shed tears today when I long for the closeness I have never had with anyone else in my life, as I had with my sister. (Even now, just a little choked up). But God will answer one day, wipe my tears and I will recieve the peace I persue. God has shown me, (or has to remind me, frequently), that he has a perfect plan for me (us), and that he is in control. I must completely trust him and believe that all things work for his glory. To you HappyGal and in my humaness I must confess my loss, my disappointment, my unmet plans. And ask God to show me what I must do to feel a little more healed. His answer always is..."Look to me, I LOVE YOU and died for you to prove it." So please remind yourself that your loved ones in Christ are with Christ....and you will see them again one day. You earthly Father loved you as best he could in his own human limitations, but your Heavenly Father loves you without limitation and is with you in ALL things. Blessings to you. Sally [email protected]
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