A womens call to prayer

on 8/23/04 3:09 am - NM
Hi I am just about finished with this book. I used to run a prayer meeting in my local church. If you get the chance pick up "A womens call to prayer" by Elizabeth George. this book also helped me with my surgery. Pray for everyting. Gina
on 8/23/04 4:18 am - San Diego, CA
Gina, thank-you for sharing about this book. Maybe we all could start a book club, like they do on Oprah, but have the books written with a christian perspective. Wouldn't that be neat. In his name Geri
on 8/24/04 8:52 am - Northwest, NC
I just finished "Forever Ruined for the Ordinary" by Joy Dawson. Oh my...powerful book. It changed my prayer life.
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