Here I GO

renay B.
on 8/21/04 4:08 am - yucca valley, ca
Hello everyone, well today is the day. I leave tonight,My husband and I are going to go down to Huntington Beach and stay untill Mon. And my sugery is Mon at 7:30 A.M. I really have mixed feels. But I know I'm in God's hands and this is what He has for me. Please pray for peace for my family. I'm leaving my boys with my mom why i go down and i have never been gone from them this long. I know they are teenager Josh 15 and Kaleb 14 and i will been gone for 5 days. but please keep them in your prayers. thank you. and i will update when i get home. God Bless, Renay
on 8/21/04 8:33 am - San Diego, CA
Hello Renay, I'm so excited for you. Monday is your big day. A scripture just came to my mind PS. 37:5. AND HE SHALL BRING IT TO PASS. If you would like your husband to keep me informed on how your doing I will share with all the boards and keep them updated. Just e-mail if you want me to. Many prayers will be going on for you. In His Name Geri
on 8/21/04 2:31 pm - Warsaw, IN
Dearest Renay-I could'nt go to sleep tonight here in Northern Indiana and came down and read your post and I will be continuing to lift you up before the Father that your course will be smooth.You're so close!!! You are on your way and He goes before you! Keep us all posted dear one.Shelley
Pastor di
on 8/21/04 3:55 pm - DALLAS, TX
God keep you in perfect peace. I will keep you lifted up in prayer, May the grace of God be with you and yours. Amen. Pastor di
Shirlene H.
on 8/22/04 7:42 am - Van Etten, NY
Renay... I'll post a message on your surgery page. Prayers to you! Shirlene
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