Hello new sisters!

on 8/21/04 12:11 am - Warsaw, IN
My name is Shelley and I live in Indiana.I have a surgery date of Sept 20,2004! I am very excited but I feel so guilty for having to take such drastic measures to lose this wt.I feel like I have failed God or something.Anyone else ever feel like this? Please keep my date on your prayer list if you can.God is good---All the time!
on 8/21/04 8:39 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Shelley, I to felt very guilty in the beginning of my journey. But my dear Lord continued to show me over and over again, that he was on my side concerning this drastic step. I'm so happy that I followed and trusted him in this area of my life. Not that it was always easy. Come 2005 you will be so happy you did this. I will continue to pray for you Shelly. Please come back and keep us updated. Blessings Geri
Pastor di
on 8/21/04 4:01 pm - DALLAS, TX
Shelley our Lord does not want us to live in guilt or condemnation. The bible says he has given us away to escape. I understand that he gives us a way to escape the clutches of the enemy. sin. For me the way I got to the size, I am was sin, and even after learning behavior modification and willpower, control. I still cannot lose the weight. I have spent years thinking this was the craziest most farfetch thing for a Christian to do. I am now convince that it was the Lord who helped me come to this road and has shown me how this tool is going to help me to live out my destiny and purpose for him to God be the Glory for even this. Be bless and may God you give you peace about the WLS journey. Pastor di
Shirlene H.
on 8/22/04 7:31 am - Van Etten, NY
Hello Shelley! Yes I have also had those feelings of guilt, but have come to realize that the Lord is the one who had opened these doors for me. Once that realization came to me, I have a whole new outlook on this surgery. I too am a pre-op, but I have such a feeling of peace about the whole thing. I know that where ever the Lord leads, I will succeed! May God Bless you and give you the peace I have found. Shirlene
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