OT: What is wrong w/people?

Tatia E.
on 8/20/04 3:15 pm
Hi, First time on this forum. Looking for fellowship. I work in customer service. I find my job to be more and more challenging everyday. I have been doing this for 16yrs. But people today are different. It*s a "Me" World. I try and treat people like I would want to be treated. And I get accused that I don*t care. I drove home crying my eyes out. We are short on staff. I have to do the work of 2 sometimes 3 people. And not only are the customers cold and rude. Co workers treat one another this way. I feel so unappreciated. Tonight I had to deal with a group of 103 people at once. Everyone demanding my attention . Pushing people out of the way to get to me. I called for help (supervisors). No one even responded to my call. Then when the dust seem to clear it did not get any better. A co worker ask me for something. I could not do for him at that moment.He got an attitude and stormed off. He said Your not getting help from me til I get what I want! The scarey thing is I see this in my five yr daughter. Demanding her way! Screaming and hitting me. Whining like she is a baby. I know she is spoiled. And maybe some of this is her age. But she is driving us nuts. Her baby brother yells at her to "Stop". I did not mean for this to be so long...I am just so frustrated. I don*t want to become cold and heartless. But it seems if you yell back at these people they leave you alone. If you try and treat them with kindness they walk all over ya. Any words of encouragement are appreciated. Signed, A sad soul
on 8/21/04 8:56 am - San Diego, CA
Dear sad soul, this is a place I believe that God has set up so we can come bare our burdens. Please keep coming back. Do you think God could be moving you on to bigger and better things? I don't think I could put up with 103 people coming at me in all directions, and then not to appreciate what they have. That's just my opinion. Ps. 55:22 Cast all your care's upon him, and he will sustain you. He will never let the rightous fall. Blessings Geri
Pastor di
on 8/21/04 4:28 pm - DALLAS, TX
My dear sister, God bless you and keep you is my prayer. I have been in customer service for over 25 years and I have days like yours and I see people everyday like you do. It is alot to consider. I can tell you this. It takes time and it takes practice, but God wants us to see people like he does. He does not see them with the same adjectives that we use to describe them. It took years but now those people don't get to me like they use to. He looks beyond our fault (faults) and sees our need. I learned I can only take care of one person at a time and that is all I am going to focus on regardless of everything and everybody around me. One at a time. I pray pretty much for my day each morning, I ask for guidance and directions, I ask him to order my steps, give me wisdom to help others and let me know when it is divine intervention. Things change when you see them differently. From what you are saying, I see God is getting you to move to another level in him that is why you are so overwhelmed, ask Him, Lord through all this junk, what are you wanting me to see, to do, to change. It is a growing process and you will be alright and this will roll off your back like water, rolling off a ducks back. Much love my sister. Pastor di,
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