Attention all prayer warriors

on 8/20/04 11:32 am
Have ya'll seen the posts for Cyndi McCaun on the main board? i believe she had surgery yesterday and had to return to the OR today. Her spleen and gall bladder have been removed and she is in ICU on a ventilator.Her husband is posting updates.
on 8/20/04 12:55 pm - San Diego, CA
Karen, I will pray, pray, pray for Cyndi. Can you please keep us updated on what's going on. Can we find out info by going to her web site? Geri
on 8/21/04 3:39 am
Geri I checked her profile and didn't see anything new or on the main message board. I posted on the main board asking for updates and haven't had a response yet. I am new to this site and board and have been wonderfully encouraged by the support and responses you give.I am so thankful for this board and the awesome Christians that post.
on 8/21/04 4:38 am
Thank you for your prayers. Cyndie's husband Jimmy posted things are better as her ventilator settings have been decreased (which means she is breathing more on her own) and her blood pressure and sugar are within normal limits.She sleeps alot , but is responsive. she should be moved out of ICU in a few days. Praise God!
on 8/21/04 12:14 am - Warsaw, IN
Karen-I am new to this sight but rest assured I will pray too.God is in control.
on 8/23/04 3:31 am - San Diego, CA
Hi Karen, Have you heard anything new on Cyndi? In Christ Geri
on 8/23/04 11:51 am
hi geri i didn't get on the board until tonight and saw a post that she is off the ventilator and sitting up and talking.her husband is very appreciative of our prayers.our God is so good. K
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