How's everyone doing?

on 8/18/04 10:42 am - San Diego, CA
Hi everyone, thought I'd drop in and say howdy. Yesterday was my birthday and I told everyone I just turned 53. Will guess what??? My friend called me today and told me I just turned 52. We figured it how and Iam only 52 years old. I don't know why but that just put me in the best mood all day today. My friend his on her way home from work and were going to go to curves. Neither one of us wants to go so were trying to motivate each other. I told her we can go eat some chinese food right next door afterwards. Aren't we bad. Then next door to that, they have a coffee shop with lots of goodies. I promise I promise I promise if I have anything it will only be a decaff surgar free vannilla nonfat milk latte. Will everyone I hope you all had a blessed day and I hope you have a peaceful night. Talk to you tommorrow. In his name < Geri
Pastor di
on 8/19/04 6:01 pm - DALLAS, TX
Well Happy Birthday my sister. God Bless you with many more and it is wonderful that you can go through life so happy that you really don't know what your age is. I get confused close to my birthday too, which is 8/30, I have started so early in the year saying I am the next birthday's age that by the time by birthday comes I think I am the next year. I realized this time early enough that I will be 45 not 46. Life is so good. You be blessed! Pastor di
on 8/20/04 1:43 am - San Diego, CA
Pastor Di, A very HAPPY early Birthday to you. That's so funny what you said about starting your birthday so early in the year that you do forget. I believe that is why I thought I was a year older. I'm glad you pointed that out to me, because I thought "Oh no Im starting to get those senior moments". You have a wonderful and blessed day today. I love reading your post. You bring much wisdom to this site. In his name Geri
on 8/21/04 12:19 am - Warsaw, IN
Dear Geri--Belated H.B.You are very beautiful inside and out as I have read your support to others in this column.Your picture radiates the love of the Savior.My name is Shelley and I am scheduled for WLS Sept 20.I am scared Geri but the doors have opened wide and I will walk through.Please remember me.Thank you for being an inspiration to me.Your sister in Christ-Shelley Holderman
on 8/21/04 9:13 am - San Diego, CA
Dear Shelly, Thank-you for your kind words. Congradulations on your up and coming date. The feelings you are feeling about being scared are normal. To no that it's God's perfect will to have this surgery yet to have apprehention (can't spell that word) is an odd feeling. Maybe this scripture will comfort you. It is in Psalm's. Chapter 55 verse 3. It say's When Iam afraid I will trust in you. In God whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me. I believe nothing can come to us unless it goes through God first. Your sister in Christ Geri
Shirlene H.
on 8/22/04 7:16 am - Van Etten, NY
Happy Belated Birthday Geri! What a nice birthday surprise... to realize that your one year younger than you thought. lol. That is too cute! I'll be 40 in January. That sure will be a significant b-day for me.... but I know with the Lords help and this surgery... I will feel better than I have in many years! I hope your day was wonderful!!! Shirlene
on 8/22/04 8:02 am - San Diego, CA
Shirlene, I wish I could have had this surgery done in my early 40's. Because I do feel so much younger since I've lost so much weight. Bye Geri
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