Any Suggestions?

Trish L.
on 8/16/04 4:44 am - Bucyrus, OH
Hi, My name is Trish & I am a Christian. I am 48 years old. I am new to all this, so if I ask a stupid question, I beg your forgiveness in advance. For more than a year now, I have been reading about Lap Banding. I have a BMI of 54.9. I recently have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, TIA's & my blood sugars are starting to rise. I also have degenerative arthritis of my lower spine. I need help. I really want to have the lap banding procedure. I feel this would be my best option. Problem is, I do not have insurance. I was working, but due to my husband's declining health, I had to quit my job to stay home and care for him. The added stress is unreal. I keep reading about the cost of surgery , trying to find a way to pay for this, but there is no way I could ever afford to pay for this surgery without insurance. We are living on my husband's social security. I look at all the before and after pictures and I am amazed at the differences. I have never been a normal size. Now, I find I am getting depressed because I realize that I cannot afford the very thing that can help me and I also realize that if I do not get this weight off, when I do get opportunity to go back to work, I may not be physically able to to so. My health is just starting to deteriorate and I need a way to at least slow it down. I know the weight just makes things so much worse. It seems I am doomed to live my life trapped in this obese body. Any suggestions?
Shirlene H.
on 8/16/04 4:55 am - Van Etten, NY
Hi Trish... Welcome to the Christian Message Board! So sorry to here of your dilemma. I really don't have any advice to offer regarding payment (unless of course you could go through social services?), but I do want to offer you up a prayer! Tri****otally believe that if this be God's will, he will make a way for you! With God, all things are possible! Please don't give up hope and continue to visit us here. God Bless! Shirlene
Trish L.
on 8/17/04 12:06 pm - Bucyrus, OH
Dear Shirlene, Thank you so very much for the prayers. I truly need them. I had another episode with my blood pressure last nite. When it goes up, I cannot see out of my one eye. That is why the doctors think I am having TIA's. Just keep us in prayer. I trust if this is for me, the Lord will make a way. God Bless, Trish
Sherri H.
on 8/16/04 2:52 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Hi Patricia, Have you looked into Medicade coverage through the state? I know in most states they cover the gastric bypass, especially if you have comorbidities. They should surely pay for gastric banding since it is less expensive and less invasive. I will be praying on this matter for you. Bless you, Sherri
Trish L.
on 8/17/04 12:11 pm - Bucyrus, OH
Dear Sherri, Thank you for your prayers on this matter. I have not applied for medicaid, since I believe we make too much money on social security. We receive monies for my husband and for my 12 year old son. If I remember correctly we make too much to qualify for health assistance. I am praying the Lord will make a way for me. God Bless, Trish
on 8/17/04 1:30 am - San Diego, CA
Hello Trish, I will continue to pray for you. I believe when God puts a desire in our heart he is faithful to complete it in his timing. Please continue to come here and be encourgaged, for so many people have been where you are now and have been able to adventually( can't spell it) have it. Blessings Geri
Trish L.
on 8/17/04 12:15 pm - Bucyrus, OH
Dear Geri, Thank you so much for your prayers. I do need encouragement now and again. Don't we all? I appreciate everyone's prayers, advice and help. You are all too good to me. I will keep praying to, and in God's time, I am sure it will work out. Thank you very much. God Bless. Trish (patricia) P.S. You have a beautiful smile.
on 8/19/04 10:36 am
hi trish i am am struggling with funding for the lapband as well since my insurance has a written exclusion.i was new to the site and so encouraged by everyone's success stories. i started to believe i could be one too. i daydreamed for almost 2 days about my new thin life before i thought to call the insurance company. i was devastated after that call.i spent the next day and a half researching insurance law on the web and on the phone. in my Bible reading i came across Psalm 62 and God really spoke to my heart. i began to see i had become obsessed with this and was not giving it to God. i saw that God is my salvation (V1 , 7) and my expectation (v5) not the surgery or the finding the $ or even weight loss i pray that God will help me to be still and wait on Him. He will show Himself strong by either providing the $ or giving me the grace to accept no as His answer. either way He will be lifted up and given the glory. i will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Trish L.
on 8/19/04 12:40 pm - Bucyrus, OH
Dear Karen, Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. Thank you for your kindness. Trish
on 8/20/04 3:48 pm - Seattle area (Everett), WA
Hello, Trish, Thank you so much for bringing your concerns to this board, so that we can all pray for you. Whenever two or more . . . When I read your message, I was thinking the same thing as Sherri, about Medicaid. I don't have any experience with it myself, but I know that it was in the news last week that they're now approving bypass surgery. Also, in your research, pray to let our Lord direct you to the absolute best surgery for you. The reason I mention that is that when I was first thinking about the surgery, I was also thinking lapband. However, I've since learned that most of the surgeons in this area prefer the RNY. At one seminar, the Dr. stated that the lapband isn't as long-lasting, it can slip, etc. There is so much to learn -- but God's grace and wisdom will lead you to the articles, people, messages, etc. that can provide the information He knows you need. Last year, a church close to me started a First Place group. First Place (here's their website: is a Christ-centered health program which is very effective, because the program is so complete. You can look at your local Christian bookstore for the First Place books and other materials, or order them from the website. If you want to know more about First Place, and my experience with it, please email me. Trish, I will keep you in my prayers. Thanks for giving us your concerns. Your sister in Christ, Susan
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