having doubts
GOD is an awesome GOD my surgery date is 8/18 and I have been having so many thoughts go throught my heead. Thoughts of should I tell my church or am I going against GOD by having this surgery, then I came across this message board after praying and asking GOD to show me if I was doing the right thing. I got my answer tonight by stumbling on to this site. GOD is good all the time. I am going to be hre everyday just getting inspiration. GOD bless you all and please say a pray for me.
Peggy C

Hi Peggy: You have had the same thoughts as I have! I was really afraid to even consider this surgery. Then, I worked up the nerve to ask my husband what he thought, he is behind me completely, even though he has admitted he's afraid for me. I have prayed about this and then after going over the clinic's site, I found OH. This is where I found all kinds of information and a lot of lovely people who are very supportive. I loved the Scripture given in one of the other posts, it seems like it was meant for all of us considering this surgery. You are going to be fine! I will pray for you! Pam R.
Hi Peggy,
I, too, was worried about going against God's will by changing around His perfect work that our bodies are. I prayed each and every step of the way and asked him to put up a roadblock if I was doing the wrong thing or doing it for vanity. I have never had a process go so smoothly in my life! The bariatrics group did all the work and all I had to do was show up at the appointments when they told me to. It was effortless and I believe it was the Lord's hand.
I did recently get readmitted with a partial bowel obstruction and I was so sick that I was afraid that the Lord was "punishing" me for what I had done. In retrospect I realize it was because I had gotten my focus off of Him. After the surgery when the weight started to fall off I developed the attitude, "Thanks God, I can handle it from here."
God IS good, all the time!!
Bless you,
I think all of us have doubts. I think it is because we know that we are to lean on God for everything in our lives, & that if we have this WLS, that we are weak in our faith, & not putting our lives fully into Gods hands.
I struggled with that first, but then I heard God saying, who gave man the mind & the tools to preform such a surgery?
Well we know that is God, He knows that no one is perfect, we are to strive to be perfect, but only Jesus is. So He gave us a way out.
If you did not have money to feed your children, would you sit back & think you failed God & not accept help from anyone?
No, you'd go to your prayer closet & pray, then you will have the church pray, & we all know that God will put a burden on someones heart to help you out.
So to me it is the same principle, God knows our lives even before we were, he knew we would fail or fall sometimes, but that is why He is always there to pick us up.
I just found this site today, & am scheduled to have WLS on 11/10/04, & I am comfortable in knowing my Great comforter & Physician will be guiding my surgeons hands all the way, & that He will send His angels to watch over me & my health.
God Bless You all,
Dearest Peggy,
I too had my doubts. When I first started this journey I prayed that if it was not God's will for me to have this surgery for Him to close the doors of oppertunity. I was denied by my insurance. If that isn't an answer I don't know what is. I was in prayer and I was finding peace with this desision when the Lord reminded me that the devil works just as hard to make us miserable as Jesus does to bring us joy. The Lord reminded me that if I had doubts, confusion, and fear it was not of the Lord but of the devil. That devil will try his best to make you and I second guess the path that we are going down.
Jesus, has made a path for you to follow just as he has for me. I was amazed to find that the path had been there long before I even knew it. I did file for an appeal and I was denied again. I filed my second appeal and was denied again. I was set up with a phone date to address the review panel for my insurance company.
I prayed to God that if it was not His will for me to have this surgery that he would close this door and help me to cursify my flesh to accept His will for my life. I read my statement to them and they had not one question for me. Not one! I thought well this can't be good. I had started preparing my mind and my heart that I would have to live with promise I made to accept His will. I was true to what I had told God in my prayers. I knew it would be hard to do, but I also knew it was hard for Jesus to do what he had done for me at Calvary. I would have to lay my weaknesses at His feet and rely on His strengh. For though I am weak, I am made strong.
It was about a week later that I got my date for surgery. I know that God was rewarding me for being faithful to Him. He wants to give us the desires of our hearts, if we seek first the kingdom and all his righteousness He will do just that. I will hold you in my prayers to find peace, a peace that surpasses all understanding. If you need a sister in Christ to talk to I am only an email away.
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10
The Irish Lassie
266/still holdin at 196/140