Staying healthy?
I have really started to notice that losing weight isn't the only thing we need to focus on in life. While losing weight is the best feeling in the world and makes you feel great for awhile are we all keeping up with a healthy lifestyle? Being in the medical field for 10 years and now getting my degree in nutrition, there are many unhealthy skinny people out there also. Now that alot of us are losing or at our goal, are we sticking to a healthy lifestyle? Are we taking a good vit/min supplement? Are we getting in our required proteins? Are we exersing or bodies and our heart? These are many things we seem to forget after losing weight. I have talked to and met some very unhealthy looking WLS patients. Why? Because there not doing what they are suppose to do. They believe that losing there weight was the only thing they had to do to be healthy. WRONG! This surgery was a tool to help us lose and maintain. Not an instant fix. This surgey by far saved my life and I will never ever regret it. But, we need to stick to a healthy way of life. I just want to say to all us losers and soon to be losers this surgery is only the begining. There is alot of hard work ahead of us. I do belive that this is Gods plan for his kids
Take care and God Bless