Dealing w/Depression & I Finally Went to My PCP

Debbie M.
on 6/28/04 2:55 pm - Stockton, CA
Well I finally got in to see my PCP. I've been dealing with depression and the medication I was on was working ok in the beginning but the last few weeks have been awful. It's been an effort to even get up in the morning and go to work. Last week my manager was giving me a little criticism and I held my composure while in his office but the minute I got back to my desk and I broke into tears and couldn't turn them off I was like this for the rest of the evening. I've had my feelings on my sleeves since and I can't stand being this way. Any ways I had a Doctors appointment today & she changed my medication. I just pray that it works better then the other stuff I was on. I've gained twenty pounds in the last two months witch is a side effect of the other medication I was on plus I tend to snack when I fell sad, glad, mad whatever. As far as WLS I can't even get an appointment for a consultation until September and this hasn't helped with the way I feel. Debbie
Sherri H.
on 6/29/04 5:36 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Debbie, I just prayed for you. I, too, suffer from depression. I take a medication called Effexor and it has done wonders for me. I also wear my heart on my sleeve and have a hard time dealing with my emotions while I am off of medication. Sometimes you have to try a couple different ones or up the dose to get one that works just right. I know how bad you feel when "The dark cloud" comes to visit and you just want to crawl into bed and never get out again. I am 8 days post op and my surgeon wanted me to try and stay off my medication until I can swallow the pill whole, but I don't think I am going to be able to wait it out. I am getting so nasty and mean and everything is making me agitated the last few days. My poor husband asked me today if I was off my meds and I asked him, "Does it show that bad?" We were driving in the car and I was yelling at the other drivers and calling them idiots and stuff, and I am normally so nice. Hang in there. It is a long slow process getting to the actual surgery day. I thought I would never get there and now I am post op. It will happen. Bless you, Sherri
Dee Dee T.
on 7/10/04 11:17 am - Central Valley
Hi Debbie, My name is Dee Dee and I just wanted to say that I use to be depressed so bad. I had my tubes tied when my son was born 6 yrs. ago, I guess hormones or something plus alot of weight gain. They tried me on a few different meds and Zoloft was the best for me. I tried Effexor until I had a friend that it gave her a heart attack she was very young. So I got off of that one. But also I wanted you to know that I started really praying about being depressed so much and started a prayer journal and I'll tell you I have been better. I still get a little down at times, but have been off of the meds for over a year now. Praise God. I know that God really helped me with this. I suggest you get a notebook and start writing your prayers down. I have been really seeing God answering my prayers because of it also. I had my sugery 8wks. ago and God has been really good to me. I hope and pray that I've helped you. Bye for now. Dee Dee
Texaskandy ~.
on 7/18/04 12:01 pm - Corpus Christi, TX
Hi Debbie, You wrote this email a while back. I am wondering how you are feeling now. I hope things are going better for you. I am experiencing the same thing right now. I honestly feel like I am coming unraveled. I started taking Lexapro at the beginning of May and initially I thought it was working well. Now, I am not so sure. Texascandy
Debbie M.
on 7/18/04 11:54 pm - Stockton, CA
Hi Texascandy, I'm doing better. I was on Lexapro for about 3 months. In the beginning it seemed to work but then I couldn't tell I was taking anything plus I gained about twenty pounds. I'm on wellbutrin now and it seems to be working but it takes about four weeks to really tell. If you're not sure Lexapro is working for you call your doctor and make an appoinment to discuss this. My doctor told me it sometime takes trying different medication until you find the right one. As far as dieting I know what you mean. I have to wait until September to even schedule an appointment for my consult but I thought I would try & start dieting but its been real hard. I would do great the first couple of days and then I would stress out over somthing and completly undue everything I had done that week. Hang in there you can do it. If you need to talk email me. Debbie
Texaskandy ~.
on 7/19/04 12:14 pm - Corpus Christi, TX
Hi Debbie, You are doing well with dieting. I begin my diet at breakfast and it is all over my dinner. I leave my house at 7:45 each morning and I don't get home until about 9:00 each evening. I try to pack enough food to last the whole day, but by days end I am exhausted and wanting to stop at the nearest fast food restaurant near me. However, I am not giving up. The fact that I am packing healthy meals is a huge improvement of what I was doing (eating out breakfast, lunch, and dinner.) You keep up the good work and I will be praying that the road to the "other side" becomes smoother for you. Texascandy
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