5 days post op...having a lot of pain with swallowing.

Sherri H.
on 6/25/04 11:28 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Hi everyone, Well, I am 5 days post op and I am posting for the first time. I wish I could post wonderful happy things, but I am miserable. I am having so much pain drinking that I can't hardly force myself to take in anything. Everytime I swallow I can feel an air bubble go down with whatever I ingest. It is so painful and I feel so bloated that it is hard to force myself to drink. Has anyone else had this problem and have any tips to minimize the amount of air I take in? It hurts so bad and I can't get my self to burp and get rid of the air. I am afraid of becoming dehydrated because I am almost in tears everytime I look at the clock and know I had better take in some fluids. I am on full liquid diet right now and I try to squish all the air out of my mouth before I swallow but it just isn't working. Thanks, Sherri
Sherri H.
on 6/26/04 5:53 am - Bakersfield, CA
I am going to clarify this a bit. Everyone on the other forum where I posted this for help is fixating on the word water. It isn't the water that is the problem. I can't ingest ANYTHING without feeling like I have swallowed a ton of air and it really hurts. Anyone out there with any suggestions. Love ya'll, Sherri
Dee Dee T.
on 6/28/04 1:10 pm - Central Valley
Hi Sherri, I am 6wks. out and I still have that problem although it is getting better. I think when I drink to fast it happens. I try and not to drink the water cold. I heard that if you drink room temp. water it's much easier. You probably have alot of gas from surgery, as I did I thought I was going to die at times it was so bad. I thank God that it finally went away. I will be praying for you. thanks for sharing that with us. thanks, Dee Dee
Sherri H.
on 6/29/04 5:13 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Thank you so much, Deedee. I was so worried that I was the only person who had this problem. As with you, I have been improving every day. For me to drink anything, it has to be ice cold. I know that room temp is probably better for me, but it is so hard for me to drink it warm like that. I have never been a big water drinker, but I have found since my surgery that I absolutely CRAVE plain old water. Bless you, Sherri
on 6/26/04 9:54 am - Long Grove, IA
Sherri, Are you sipping? I had and have that often where I feel that there is an air bubble stuck when I drink and I eventually will burp. Be sure that you are not taking big drinks. I sometimes take too big of a gulp and then have to swallow half of it and leave the other half in my mouth until I feel I can swallow that. It took a long time before I could get enough fluids in. Be sure that you sip (but don't use a straw). Hope this helps, Good luck and God bless, Andrea
Sara G
on 6/27/04 3:55 pm - Brentwood, CA
Sherri, I am sorry to hear that you are having some problems. You might want to call your doctor this week, just in case (especially before the holiday weekend). I will keep you in my prayers that things get easier for you. Take Care and God Bless, Sara
Oh, Donna
on 7/5/04 5:04 pm - North Bay Area, CA
Just jumping in here... I read other posts similar, might be an ulcer. Call your doc. In His hands, Donna
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