Changed my Life

on 6/17/04 1:31 am - BPT, CT
Good morning Amos Family! Looking at the message boards today I began to think about how far I have come the last year and half. As much as I thank God for this surgery, it was not the wls that changed my life for the better. I thought once I had the surgery and lost the weight my life would change for the better. Well, it didn't! Shortly after having surgery, I received news that my mom had cancer. I sunk deep into depression watching my mother suffer and slowly die in pain. All the plans to go shopping for new clothes and show off my new figure never happened. Long story short, there was a change in my life for the better, but it wasn't from the wls, it was when I gave my life to God! That is when the great change took place! The reason I am writing this is because I see so many people who think this surgery can fix all the problems in there life, it's just not so. If you want to see things change for the better in your life, just give God a try! Hugs
on 6/17/04 3:59 am - Lumberton, NC
Hi Nancy, thanks for that great post We have something in common. The very day I had surgery... April 27... my mom had a consult with an oncologist at Duke and she and my dad were told that she has advanced pancratic cancer. I understand the mixed emotions. I also celebrate real life in Christ. He is my life changer. The reason I had this surgery to was to better my physical health in order that I could carry out the calling he has placed upon my life. May God bless you !! Please keep my mom, Sylvia, in your prayers!
on 6/17/04 4:28 am - BPT, CT
Dear Greg: I sure will keep your mom in my prayers, Just remember " The prayers of the righteous Availeth much!". I had surgery November 18, 2002, I had not given my life back to Christ at that time so you can imagine what state of mind I was in! I gave my life back to Christ about two weeks after my mom past. I can take comfort in knowing that she also gave her life to Christ on her sick bed, so I know she is with our Father in heaven! Does your mom know the Lord? Hugs
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