Prayers please

Sherri H.
on 6/13/04 3:20 am - Bakersfield, CA
I really need some prayers right now. I don't know if it is pre-op anxiety or cheeseburger deprivation, but I totally lost it on my kids this morning. I got really angry and totally lost it and started crying and screaming at them for not being more helpful, doing chores right, etc. Then I cried for an hour. I blew up when I found my son's clothes stuffed in a drawer instead of being hung up and all his church clothes looked like they had been slept in! I behaved horribly and now I feel so bad. I have repented to the Father, now I have to humble myself to my children. Please pray for me I am really stressed about the time off work, and taking care of my 3 kids (2 teens and a 2 year old) after the surgery. It is especially hard to know I won't be able to pick up my toddler for at least 6 weeks. Bless you all, Sherri
on 6/13/04 5:52 am - Farmington, NM
Oh Sherry, I do know what you're feeling. I'm 30 days from my surgery date and the anxious feelings inside sometimes burst out more than I want them too. The day before yesterday I took over the counter PMS meds to calm me down when I caught myself yelling at my little guy for throwing his dirty clothes all over his room and not into his basket. It wasn't that big of a deal but at the time I was ready to burst. We do need to hold each other up in prayer and keep the support system working. I want you to know you are in my prayers today. Love to my Sister In Christ, Tracy
on 6/13/04 1:12 pm - Somewhere, AL
Sherri it is just one of those days when you are stressed over things. I go through this everyday. Before I had surgery I was a mess. I prayed and asked God to help me. It does not get better with the picking up of the clothes as they get older. It gets worse. I have a 19 year old son in college who lives with me and I have to tell him to clean up his room. Being as old as he is I should not have to tell him, but I do. Your toddler, if he can climb into a chair or onto a couch he maybe can just sit besides you instead of you lifting him up or if he sleeps in a baby bed get the teenagers to put him to bed for you. I had back surgery when my daughter was 2 and she slept in a baby bed. I had her sleep in the bed with me until my husband came home and he would put her in her bed. I could not bend over to pick her up so I would be sitting down and ask her to come to me and get on the couch or chair next to me. I would hug her and play with her that way. I pray you feel better. God is good, he will make a way out of no-way. God bless.
gail B.
on 6/15/04 6:22 am - wilmington, DE
Hi Sherri !!!!!!!! We can relate to the stress that you are feeling, even though my children are grown there are other things that stress us we pray for you and all that GOD will filled us even the more with that peace that passeth understanding as the Word of GOD says..that is able to keep our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our LORD....I want you to know that you are not surgery date is August the 10th....and it seems the closer we get to that date somethings tries to get in our way...but we must keep looking up to our LORD for the help...."Remember that God is going to work out everything that concerns you".. Be blessed my Sister...we all care for you...peace always...Gail Burke
Sara G
on 6/15/04 5:13 pm - Brentwood, CA
Hey Sherri! I'm sorry to hear that you've been stressed. Unfortunately we tend to take our anxieties out on the people that are closest to us. I will keep you in my prayers. I pray that the Lord will bring an unexplainable peace and calm over you and your household. I pray that the time spent with your family during the days leading up to your surgery will be times of joy. I pray that post-op your teenagers will give of themselves sacrificially and be of help to you with your little one. I pray that you are able to turn everything over to God and know that He is in control. God Bless You!! Sara
Theresa B.
on 6/15/04 10:29 pm - Center Point, IA
Sherri, I'll be happy to pray for you. I've need quite a bit of prayer in this area my self. You posted this a couple days ago so I hope things are going better already. Bless you, Theresa Father, thank you for Sherri's repentant heart and that you have already redeemed us. Please give her peace. Remove the anxiety from her and replace it with Your love and patience. Thank You for being our loving father, our perfect role model for parenting. Please continue to pick us up after our falls. In Jesus' name, amen.
doit 2.
on 6/20/04 9:07 am - in my little town, NC
(((((((((SHERRI)))))))))I will be praying for you, the anxiety of all thats going on has to play a part, I'm sure your family knows you are anxious...they will understand...and I KNOW your Father in heaven does! Try not to be so hard on yourself, we all have these moments
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