I have a complaint about AMOS

Shrinking W.
on 6/12/04 10:49 pm - Swedesboro, NJ
It has come to my attention that when someone types in my name on google information from AMOS comes up with links and whatever information I gave to AMOS when I originally joined listing the town I live in. I was told to change my name so that this wouldn't happen, however, when I got a digest from a group I belong to this morning my real name showed up instead of my code name. I know a lot of people are really open about their surgery but I like to keep private things private and find it really disconcerting having exposure like this. Unless AMOS is able to change their practices I will be forced to terminate all connection and have my membership permanently erased. I am totally at wits end on this. Why does the world need to know my private life, including where I live? le
Sherri H.
on 6/13/04 3:10 am - Bakersfield, CA
You're right, I tried it and my name and links to my posts showed up. This is too weird. Kind of scary since my husband is in law enforcement and we have EVERYTHING unlisted. Our license plates on our cars are even confidential so if I get pulled over a cop can't even pull up any info on us. I'm not sure I like this! Sherri
on 6/13/04 12:55 pm - Somewhere, AL
AMOS is not going to change it you have to. Go to update your profile. Type in using your info. Go to general information. It will take you to the information you typed in when you made your OH profile. Just type in where you put your first and last names whatever name you want to use. This is how I changed my name. I erased all the other info like phone and town I live in and such. I did this cause someone was emailing people on the site and playing prank. People you work with also can find stuff out you don't want them to. I am thinking about taking my picture off also and just having it on my profile not for posts.
Jennifer P.
on 6/17/04 6:01 am - Elizabethtown, KY
okay, the internet is not a safe place, we all know that. AMOS never made a clain to keep your info confidential. When you make a web page...which is what we did, you set yourself out there for all to see. If you don't want to be seen--take yourself off. It is a simple solution. I have noticed some people have very little info on their pages. MAybe that is what you should do. Me--I am not bothered to have the world see me as I am if I can help inspire anyone else.
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