Pre surgery anxiety

Sherri H.
on 6/9/04 2:22 am - Bakersfield, CA
Did (or does) anyone have pre-surgery anxiety like mine. I am not worried at all about the procedure itself. I am suddenly having anxiety over losing the weight and having it change my personality for the worse. I guess I am stuck in the high school mode where the thin pretty girls were mean and rude, and I am afraid somehow I will not be the happy-go-lucky person I am now. My other anxiety is that when I lose the weight people may actually NOTICE me. I can meet people now and the next time I see them they don't even remember me. I think I am the most forgettable person on earth! I have a fear of people looking at me and staring at me after the weight comes off. Is this totally stupid or what? I guess I should be happy that people will notice the weight loss, but I get really embarassed when people come up to me and comment on how good I look, etc. I guess I am too humble or something. I am so praying to the Lord that I will change for the better when this is over. I pray for boldness to proclaim his word. I went to a pre-op support meeting last night but I couldn't hardly get a word in edgewise to bring this up. They jumped from one subject to the next so quick and I got cut off by other people when I tried to speak. Only 12 more days till I am a loser! In Christ's love, Sherri
Jo K.
on 6/9/04 1:32 pm - Stoughton, WI
Hi Sherri: I have had some similar feelings and I think that is part of what is keeping from getting to where I need to be in order to have the surgery. I just found out yesterday that the surgeon I'll have only does lap surgery. My BMI is too high for that so I have to lose some weight on my own before he can do the surgery. Bummer! I like to think that I was thin in a previous life and I was one of those mean girls. So now that I know what it is like to be obese, I can go forward with plans for the surgery and when I'm thin again, I can live the right way and be nice to obese folks. Crazy - but it works for me. LOL The other thing is that I know that God wants me to be healthy and to be here for my daughter. Having people look at me won't be much of a problem - they always stare and comment now - so at least I'll know that one day, they'll be looking at me because I look good - not freakish. Remember - Phillipians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! You go girl! I'll be praying for you. Congratulations!! Friends in Faith, Jo
Sara G
on 6/9/04 3:14 pm - Brentwood, CA
Hi Sherri! I am sure that all these feelings that you are experiencing are quite normal. I know that I sometimes wonder how I will conduct myself when I am thin. I have not had to worry about anyone (of the opposite sex) approaching me, but if I am thin, that may change...and am I mature enough, have I grown enough in my Christian walk to make better decisions than I did when I was younger? It's scary. There are several books available that deal with these types of issues. One that they were talking about the other night at the support group is called (I think) Before and has a real cute pink cover (I didn't write down the author). Also, "What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror" by Thomas F. Cash was talked about as well. I pray that our personalities only change for the good, more self-confidence. You may want to try a different support group, the one here in Modesto is run in a pretty orderly fashion, they go around the room and everyone gets a chance to talk....of course there are always the ones that end up with more than their fair share of the floor. Take Care and I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless You, Sara
Ann N.
on 6/10/04 12:11 pm - FL
Sherri, this is a normal anxiety for many who anticipate becoming THIN for real. I was very anxious, but wanted the healthier life more! Trust the Lord, I believe He gave me this gift of surgery and I gave back to Him praise and thanks for this opportunity to improve my health, body, mind and spirit that they will all work together "better" for Him. Be part of a support group as soon as possible. It does make a difference in coping with the new changes you will experience. Cry out to Him, he waits for us to come to Him with everything, big, medium and small! Rest in His arms and the comfort, support of others online,offline, in person etc. We all care and want you to succeed and look forward to a thinner future. Read Romans 8:28, it has been a mainstay verse for me since the age of 16. Lord bless you in the days ahead with inner peace, Ann N.
on 6/13/04 5:43 am - Farmington, NM
Hiya Sherry, As I was sitting in church this morning I started thinking about what it will be like when I'm losing the weight and coming to church. Wondering how I'll handle the attention from my fellow christians. I know God will be there with me...thats what keeps me on tract. I too am getting anxious...its normal! Hey...just think..we're actually NORMAL!
on 6/15/04 11:48 pm - Brazoria, TX
Sherri, I just wanted to tell you that you will have nothing to worry about. If you are have any feeling other than the joy you should have....Well you know that it is coming from the devil. He is a liar and the father of it. He will do everything that he can to try to make you second guess everything. You know that the Lord would not have blessed you with this surgery if He didn't know that you would a) do just fine and b) that you could use this as a tool to witness as well. Knowing that you will be a light in the darkness the devil is going to try to use anything that he can in order to discourage you. Keep your eyes focused on God and you will do just fine. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Shannon The Irish Lassie 266/213 -53
on 6/15/04 11:48 pm - Brazoria, TX
Sherri, I just wanted to tell you that you will have nothing to worry about. If you are have any feeling other than the joy you should have....Well you know that it is coming from the devil. He is a liar and the father of it. He will do everything that he can to try to make you second guess everything. You know that the Lord would not have blessed you with this surgery if He didn't know that you would a) do just fine and b) that you could use this as a tool to witness as well. Knowing that you will be a light in the darkness the devil is going to try to use anything that he can in order to discourage you. Keep your eyes focused on God and you will do just fine. I will be keeping you in my prayers. Shannon The Irish Lassie 266/213 -53
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