What a Mighty God we serve !

Sue P.
on 6/3/04 5:11 am - Twining, MI
My primary care physician has a thing against wls. I am 5'4" and weigh 250 lbs, my BMI is 43. He says that's not fat enough for surgery. His whole staff are ignorant about the current status of wls. They are not up on the new techniques or how much safer it is now. They are still in the dark about the whole subject. They tell all sorts of scary stories if you mention gastric bypass. So I set out to find another PCP. It's been almost two months now and I still couldn't find a doctor near me who had the right attitude about wls. I had posted repeatedly on my state board, but everyone was so far away, I began to think I was the only fat lady in my neck of the woods that wanted to know about the surgery. One darling girl from the Michigan board mentioned her doctor that she had before she moved from a town near me. He wasn't listed in my PCP directory or on the BCN web site, so I called his office and they said he was a BCN provider. They took my name and some other info and said they'd get back to me. That was a week or two ago. I called BCN and they said he was not listed because he was not taking new patients. So I just forgot about it and went on with my search and posting over and over on the state board. Finally I decided yesterday would be the last day of this, either I would do my best with what info I had or I would go back to my old PCP who had already made me an appointment with a dietician to go on a dietician supervised diet. I stayed up till 4:30am surfing the net, going through all the stuff from BCN, and praying. I found a doctor who looked hopeful, someone at OH had given her a good review and she was close enough, a 1 1/2 hour drive one way. So I decided to call her in the morning. As I was about to make the phone call my husband told me I'd had a call from Dr.E's office and I should call back.(Dr.E was the doctor who was not accepting new patients) Dr. E accepted me !! Even if he doesn't help me get wls, at least he's 43 miles closer!! Is this the hand of God or What ! Sue
Sherri H.
on 6/5/04 2:58 am - Bakersfield, CA
That's great Sue. I will continue to pray over this matter. In His love, Sherri
on 6/16/04 12:40 pm - WV
Sue, that is wonderful,the hand of God for sure.Dar
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