Internet Stalker Change your Last Names

on 6/3/04 1:08 am - Somewhere, CA
There is a pervert who is stalking women from Obesity Help. He calls pretending he's from your insurance company and needs to ask follow up questions about your surgery. Please ladies, go to your profile right now and change your last name to an initial. Don't allow yourself to be the next victim. (((HUGS))) P.S. I have profanity in my profile so if your offended by bad words, please don't read it. My apologies.
on 6/3/04 5:30 am - Tucson, AZ
Beverly, Thank you very much for this information. I tried to change to just my initials and my computer is giving me a hard time. I'll try again on another computer. -Sharon
Sherri H.
on 6/4/04 7:38 am - Bakersfield, CA
Thanks, I just went and changed my profile. They need to let you pick a screen name instead of using your name. I'm not too worried. My husband is in law enforcement so we are unlisted/unpublished etc. Even our car license plates come back as "confidential" if a police officer runs them in a traffic stop, even they can't get any info on our address or other private stuff. I was wondering when something like this was going to happen. Thank you, Sherri
on 6/5/04 6:04 pm - Rancho Cordova, Ca
Thank you! thank you! thank you! It means alot to us that you told us this. God bless you! Misty
Sara G
on 6/6/04 3:33 pm - Brentwood, CA
He is still at it? Why don't these people just get a life? Thanks for the reminder. I probably should take your advise. Thanks Bev!
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