"When you are down"

gail B.
on 6/2/04 11:59 pm - wilmington, DE
Sometimes it doesn't take much to get us down, does it? An unkind remark from a friend, bad news from the auto mechanic, a financial setback, or a misbehaving child can put a cloud of gloom over everything, even on the sunniest day. You know you should be joyful, but everything seems to be against you, making simple task a struggle. David must have been feeling that way when he wrote Psalm 6. He felt weak and sickly, troubled, forsaken, weary, and grief-stricken. But he knew what todo when he was down..He looked up and trusted GOD to take care of him and to see him through. When we look up and focus on GOD, something good happens. We get our eyes off ourselves and gain a new appreciation of Him. Next time you're down, try looking up to GOD. He is sovereign..Psalm 47:8, He loves you I John 4:9-10, He considers you special Matthew 6:26, He has a purpose for your trials James 1:2-4. Yes, life can seem unbearable at times. But don't let it keep you down. Meditate on GOD's goodness, talk to Him, and know that He hears you Psalm 6:9. That will give you strength to get up when you're down-Dave Branon.... Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish-- Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; Earth has no sorrow that heav'n cannot heal. WHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU TO YOUR KNEES, YOU'RE IN A GOOD POSITION TO PRAY.....Remember dear friends...that GOD will see us through..peace always....Gail Burke...
on 6/5/04 6:07 pm - Rancho Cordova, Ca
Thank you Gail, You brightened my day! God Bless you! Misty
Sherri H.
on 6/13/04 3:23 am - Bakersfield, CA
Thank you Gail. I went back and read this again after having a horrible outburst of anger with my kids. (See my post asking for prayer) It helped me a lot. Bless you, Sherri
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