Had some tests today...

Sherri H.
on 5/26/04 4:33 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Oh my, I got put through the wringer today!! It started off with me working a 12 hour night shift last night and getting off at 7:30am, driving to the hospital and having the tests. I had an upper GI with the yummy (NOT!) barium, chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound, and the whole slew of labs drawn. Oh yea, and peeing on my hand trying to hit the cup. The ultrasound was a blast. It was a mother-daughter team working there and they had me laughing so hard during the test. They said my organs showed up so well they wanted to know if I was available to help them with an anatomy class. I said, "Hey, as long as it's not an autopsy you have in mind." We were all laughing so hard people were coming in to see what we were doing in there. I finally got home and in bed at 12:30. I was so tired that I drank a couple of glasses of water and went to bed. Man, was that a mistake! That barium I drank is sitting in my intestines like a ton of cement. I am in pain! I am a nurse and I have worked as a radiology nurse so I know what that barium does, but I was too tired to sit up and drink water till it passed. UGH!! Anyhoo, the Lord is so great. Everything is going so fast now. The Bariatrics group called me Monday to schedule my tests, I went today and did the x-rays and labs, tomorrow I go to my primary to get the echo and stress test scheduled, and I have my appointment with the psychologist on Tuesday. (That part should be interesting. I have a phobia whenever I talk to psychologists. I keep thinking, "Oh no, did that sound crazy?" after every sentence.) They say they will call me with my surgery date in the next couple of days. It feels like a dream, it is really happening. Thank you Lord. I am walking on a cloud!! Lord bless ya'll Sherri
on 5/26/04 5:22 pm - Rancho Cordova, Ca
Sherri, I am glad all is going well for you. I am so excited for you. I will be praying that all will go well with the testing process. You seem like a great woman. I think we could be great friends. looking forward to talking with you. Lord bless you! Misty
Sara G
on 5/27/04 2:55 pm - Brentwood, CA
Wow, Sherri...how awesome that things are moving along so quickly for you. Thanks for the email! Also thanks for the compliment on the picture (that's me ... cute and fun to be with lol) Rumor has it that they are working on changing our insurance back to the HMO...I'm not sure when..hopefully soon...and then I can kick start this thing ... yikes! It's exciting...yet scary all at the same time. I just have to remember the scripture about God having a plan for me, and then there is another one about having life abundantley...I'm not too good at remebering what they are exactly....I really need to learn to write things down. I am looking forward to watching your progress. Hey...is Bakersfield anywhere near Valencia??
Sherri H.
on 5/28/04 12:14 am - Bakersfield, CA
Valencia is about an hour south of us. Are you going to Magic Mountain? Want to take me? I am so excited at this point. I went to my primary yesterday to get the stress test and echo on my heart set up. I was so nervous about seeing him. He is an awesome sweetheart of a man and a good Christian man too. I worked with him when he was an ER doctor a few years back so we know each other pretty well. I know he is not too fond of surgery for weight loss, so I had not told him yet that I was pursuing this. (We have Blue Cross PPO, so you can self refer.) I was so worried he would be unapproving, but the only thing he said about it was, "Are you sure you want to do this?" When I said, " Yes." He just said OK. I just have so much respect for him as a doctor that if he would have been down on me for doing it, it would have really crushed me. Well, I must go and get the kids to school. Have a wonderful and a Blessed day. Hugs, Sherri
Sara G
on 5/28/04 4:26 pm - Brentwood, CA
The reason I asked is that our Music Pastor is leaving us and planting a new church in the Valencia area. It is called Higher Vision Church and the services will be held on the campus of a brand new high school being built. (not sure of the name) Anyway, if you ever get the chance you might want to check it out. Pastor Jared Ming is AWESOME!!! We are all going to miss him terribly, he has a gift from God for music and he is an awesome communicator and I believe God is going to use him in a huge way in that area! If I ever do find myself traveling down that way, I'll let you know. I think I probably will at sometime or another to check out the new church. Have a great weekend Sherri! Sara
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