fairly new, In need of support.

on 5/23/04 6:23 pm - Rancho Cordova, Ca
Need an angel it is lonley where I am even tho I have a great husband and 4 bio kids and 7 step. I am researching wls. A few people at church have have it with miraculous results. I have have always had the weight of at least 1 other person added to my own since I was aprox 16, prior to that I was always overweight. Mom would tell me that I was fat when I wasn't, it hurt so much and did so much damage. I was never good enough. Pretty soon it became a reality (being fat that is). At 19 I got Pnuemonia, bronchititis, and laryngitis all at once and couldn't eat, lost 100lbs. Soon after I met my 1st husband and got pregnant right away. It was the only time I had ever been a size 7, I went on to have 3 more kids. Never lost it. Divorced, depressed, then i was 200 - 221lbs in 92, gained more. met my now husband in 96, married in 97. it has been a rollercoaster ride. more pounds, sickness, traumas, more pounds, until i finally cant take it, tired of being sick, tired, I weigh an incredible 320-324 I don't know myself in the mirror. I am mortified at how unhealthy i am. Diabetes, onset of high pressure, pit edema, sleep apnia, reflux, extreme fatigue, 2500 sq. ft. tri-level home that is killing me to keep clean. the kids help but it is my home and they should be able to be kids while they can. I was robbed i don't want them to be. this is the only answer 4 me. I can hardly manage my life now, what if I gain more weight? The only reason that I am still alive is cause' Jesus Christ pulled me up out of the pit I was in and saved me from my sins, filled me with the glorious gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. If that wasn't enough I was baptized in the precious name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He has forever changed me and my husband, and our children, 10 out of the 11 of them have recieved the Holy Ghost, 9 have been baptized in His name. that makes 12 of us living for Jesus!!!!!!! the devil is so mad!!!!!!!!!! Ha Ha Ha take that devil!! you cant have my family! As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord. this is why I believe I am being so attacked in my body. 12 out of 13 of us are going to heaven and the devil doesn't want any of us to make it. I have been called of God to be a prayer warrior, my husband is called to preach, he is still batteling his on things, it is a tremendous amount of responsibility to accept that role, he's scared. sometimes it takes a while for God to refine us (Jesus is the potter, we are the clay) He is always on time. so because of this he has one foot in the world and one in the church. he doesn't understand or is not convicted about worldly things. He needs full revelation. please pray 4 him. so because of all of that I need you to help me pray and fast if you can. thank you! sorry i am so winded. I have so much to say. I hope that my journey is not a long one. I am so anxious. I know it will drasticly change my life. I am going to take back my life from the devil in the name of Jesus, and I will live again!!! Misty Morones
Sherri H.
on 5/26/04 3:51 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Hi Misty, Welcome to the Christianity forum. Praise Jesus for your testimony. Thank you for sharing your life story with us. Our paths sound very similar, only I am a Southern Baptist. We are a little more uptight in our worship. Just kidding. When my husband and I lived in Washington State we went to Assembly of God churches and I loved the way they worshiped. I, too, have been having a spiritual battle lately, except not only over my physical health. (Although that has not been too great lately.) The enemy has been trying to get at me using my children and my husband even. I have been going through a stage of tremendous spiritual growth lately. The Lord has been calling me to take on a pre-school ministry, write an article for a Christian magazine, and I have a huge desire to do some over seas missionary work. The devil has been trying to tempt me with some things and with the strength of the Lord he has not even came close to winning, so he ha**** my family with a vengence. My 13 year old son has been caught with *****graphy, he is failing 3 classes at school, my 15 year old step-daughter has been disappearing after school and won't tell us where she has been, etc. It got so bad one week that I actually screamed out to Satan, "You can't have my children. You're just mad because you know where you are going and you will never win in the end. Jesus is the winner and you can't stand that. I can't wait till you get yours in the end. In the name of Jesus I am throwing you out of my house." I was so full of righteous anger and I wanted to just punch Satan in the face!!! I cried out to the Lord to put a legion of angels around my family and protect us, I mean I was laying on my face, just crying out to the Lord. Then he gave me the most wonderful peace. I know he did just what I asked and is protecting my family. I just love the Lord so much. He is so awesome and wonderful. I love it that we can cry out to Him and know He is listening and will answer our prayers. No matter what we do He is there. I am looking forward to getting to know you and share this journey with you. Lord bless you, Sherri
on 6/5/04 6:16 pm - Rancho Cordova, Ca
Sherri, Thank you so much for your response. I almost feel as though we know each other through our testimonies. God is so good to us, He is so very faithful!! I would like the chance to get to know you too. Do you go to the chat room at all mabey we can set a time to meet there. Lord bless you too! Misty
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