Are there any Apostolic Pentecostals here? :halo:
We've done Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames twice at our church so I know the story well. My daughter was in the last one as one of the angels.
We've also had Tommy Tenney at our church several times and I always enjoy him.
Never had to deal much with speaking in tongues as I grew up with it and find it perfectly natural. You are quite apt to hear someone praying in tongues during corporate worship at our church and there are often messages in tongues with interpretation for the congregation at large.
Music is also a big, big part of church and I love it. My husband and I have been part of choir in every church we've attended (we've moved often aroudn Indiana due to his job) and our son was the church drummer before he got married and moved away.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! Talk to you next week.
I am also Assembly of God Pentecostal. Gotta have the full gospel
. I am glad that there are others here that share my beliefs. I love working with the Youth group and living for the Lord. I could never go back to my life before Christ. I will dance and sing and live in the Spirit. Thank you Jesus!
The Irish Lassie
266/223 an holdin/145

How fun!
I responded originally to Misty's question regarding Apostolic pentecostals...I'm not apostolic, but I am pentecostal and I have some Apostolic family members.
What an amazing blessing to find other believers,
and others also attending Assembly of God churches! We should try to plan to attend the next general council and meet.
Wouldn't that be something?
I am fortunate enough to have been raised in a godly family my entire life ('re laying the GREATEST foundation for your very large family!
) and I cannot imagine my life without Christ.

What a beautiful name! I am so glad that I am not alone. It is so good to hear from you! what a blessing to be able to fellowship in this way. God is so good! Thank you Jesus!! You are always so faithful to us.
I too can and wont ever go back to my life before Christ. Wow who was I then anyway? I am nothing without Him!! He is my everything!! I will forever praise and worship Him in the Beauty of Holiness. I can't wait to stomp on the devil for at least an hour. I will have victory in the name of Jesus!!!

Thank you Shannon,