Are there any Apostolic Pentecostals here? :halo:
Yes, Ma'am!! Something is wrong with your post, I can't see your picture, but Yes! I am an Apostolic Pentecostal from St. Joseph Missouri. My anniversary is Wednesday (1 year post-op) and I've lost 130 pounds (or so). I feel great and it's wonderful to be able to run the aisles and leap for joy
without regretting it the next day because of unbearable pain in my knees and joints!!!
Praise be to God!!!

I'm Assembly of God Pentecostal and I have a cousin whose family is Apostolic Pentecostal, so it's nice to see you here.
I completely understand how you feel about taking back the life and joy that Satan would steal from you. This surgery has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. I have renewed stamina and am finding joy and energy in working at the church again and have picked out a couple of new projects.
But know that when you gain victory in one area, Satan will come against in another. My youngest daughter has just recently decided to date an unsaved young man who does everything that breaks my heart and she's decided not to talk to him about church as "that is not how it's done these days." so we are in serious warfare. She is deceived and blinded by flattery and desire and it's hard. I feel so burdened for her.
I'll keep you in my prayers and would appreciate you doing the same. Keep us up to date in your pursuit of wellness and life.
Thank you so much for responding Sister Sara. It is so good to here from you. I am glad that you are so close to me.
God is so good to us, Thank you Jesus!!
I am sorry that you cant veiw my pic, I can see it from my comp. I dont know what is wrong.
You will be in my daily prayers.
Bless you in Jesus name,
Sister Misty
I wonder why? I can see it on my computer on both the main boards and the February 2004 board where I hang out most of the time.
I see alot of people are having the same problem on this board...maybe it's a problem specific to this arena and one of the obesityhelp volunteers can help.
I can see you! Thanks for responding. It's nice to find someone else A/G from so far away. Is your church big or small? I grew up in a small A/G church (about 150 people) and now attend one that's over 1500 people. Big change!
I think I fixed by non-picture problem, I was on the California board and so many people were mentioning that they had new pictures posted and I couldn't see them. Then I remembered someone suggesting something or another, so I tried the refresh thingy and YEAH!! It worked!
I go to a pretty large church (2000-3000...I think..not really sure of the numbers) Calvary Temple in Modesto. I sing in the choir and I love it...I have grown more in my Christian walk since attending this church (about three years now) than I have my entire Christian life (almost 30 years). Great to see a couple of Califnornia neighbors on this board!
God Bless you all!
I sing in choir too and teach 4th grade Sunday School. I currently attend First Assembly Christian Center, but I've gone to two different Calvary Temples and my parents attend one now...too funny. It's a pretty common name for Assembly of God churches apparently.
But finding a 2-3000 person church in Indiana (other than Indianapolis) is pretty rare. Our church is about 1500-1800 and it's one of the larger churches in the state.
Have you ever been to a presentation of Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames? Have you heard of the "Miracle in Modesto"? They sell the video at the presentations as well as online. That's our church they are talking about. It's a pretty awesome church, our Pastor is great, he's really funny. He travels atound speaking at other churches and we have had a lot of "big name" speakers/preachers come to our church such as Tommy Tenney, John Bevere and Hillsong has been to our Worship conference the past two years. I am very blessed to have found such a wonderful church. I had checked it out over 10 years prior when I first moved to Modesto from San Jose, and the minute I stepped into the sanctuary I could feel the presence of God in that place like I had never experienced any place before. But, at that time I was very uncomfortable with the speaking in tongues I kept looking....and looking ...and looking. I never found a church that felt right. I should have just committed to going someplace on a regular basis, but instead I jumped around and went for long spells of not going to church at all. Finally, about three years ago my friend and I had decided that we really wanted to start going to church on a regular basis. We check a few places out, and I had been to Calvary the previous summer with my mom when Tommy Tenney was speaking and the choir was awesome (music has always been a really important factor). So, I told my friend that I wanted to check it out again, and we both loved it and have been going ever since. The congregation is made up of people that have come from so many different denominations, it's a real melting pot (just like California in general) there is a real freedom for people to worship in whatever manner they feel comfortable without fear or condemnation. I have become more comfortable with being around people that have the gift of speaking in tongues, and it is different there than at other Pentecostal churches that I have attended where people speaking in tongues was an actual (scripted) part of the service, it's not like that here, if you happen to be next to the right person at the right time you might here someone praying in tongues, but it is very rare during the services, it is much more common at a prayer meeting. Anyway, I have rambled on quite enough. I hope you enjoy your long holiday weekend. I am looking forward to a few days of R&R.
God Bless You!