It's all coming together!
Praise the Lord, He is so awesome. Our God Rules!!!
I have been really fretting the financial aspect of my surgery. All the up-front costs with the insurance, the doctor, the tests. The time off of work was going to be the biggest hurdle. I am a contract employee so I don't get paid leave. When I don't work, the money stops.
Well, I have a classic Mustang car that my hubby bought me a few years ago. It sits in the garage and is only occasionally driven since we left Washington where we were in a Mustang car club. We tried to sell it a few months back and had no takers, which is really odd for a car like this. The Lord knew what he was doing, because I need to raise money right now for my surgery. Well, I posted the car on E-bay and in 6 hours the asking price has already been met. Praise Jesus, He is so good! I don't know why I am always amazed at how well He works things out, but it never fails to excite me when He takes such GOOD care of me. I had been so worried that the finances wouldn't work out, but when the LORD is in control, it's no sweat!!!
In Christ,