Fear Not, Fret Not, Faint Not

(deactivated member)
on 5/21/04 12:09 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
Fear Not, Fret Not, Faint Not "FEAR NOT, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God." (Isaiah 41:10) "FRET NOT yourself in any wise to do evil." (Psalm 37:8) "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you FAINT NOT." (Galatians 6:9) If you want to grow spiritually, there are three (3) things the Bible tells you not to do. 1. Fear Not. The expression "fear not" is in the Bible about 365 times. This means we are not to fear any day of our lives. Notice whenever "fear not" is used, it is almost always followed by a promise or a word of comfort. In Isaiah 41:10 God says, "Fear not ... then the promise...for I am with you." Exchange fear for faith because God is with you. 2. Fret Not. Because of so much evil in the world, we tend to fret. Psalm 37 tells us three times to fret not. Psalm 37:1 says, "Fret not because of evil doers." Psalm 37:8 tells us that we need not do evil just because others are doing evil, "Fret not yourself in any wise to do evil." 3. Faint Not. It is easy to give up when the going gets tough, but you will get nothing to compensate for your efforts; not even for the time spent while you were hanging in there. Galatians 6:9 tells us that if we continue to stand and not faint, in due season we will reap a harvest. So if you want to have something to show for your labor, continue to press on until harvest time. Our Christian maturity is based on these three biblical principles to fear not, fret not, and faint not. Renounce fear and replace it with faith. Renounce fretting and replace it with faith. Renounce any period of fainting and replace it with faith. Faith is the catalyst that will keep us from fearing, fretting and fainting! Glory to God! Fearing Not, Fretting Not, and Fainting Not...
gail B.
on 5/22/04 8:36 am - wilmington, DE
Thank you Natalie!!!!! You are so right..without faith it is impossible to please GOD....yet we do need to be reminded of all those things...not to fret, not to fear, and not to faint.....thank you ever so much...we all need these words of comfort..peace always...Gail Burke
Shannon R.
on 5/22/04 12:54 pm - phoenix, az
Wow Natalie!! What a great Word from God! I needed that encouragement so bad!! I struggle just giving everything to Him! I am waiting for my insurance companies decision and i am challanged each and everyday to not FEAR and not FRET and not FAINT! I did that all the first time I tried to get approved thu a different ins. company, and it got me no where!!! So, I thank you so much for this inspired word!!! keep 'em coming!!! Shannon
on 5/24/04 11:43 pm - Columbia City, IN
Thank you Natalie. I'm going through a particularly difficult time with my daughter right now and I have printed this off to read daily. I knew it, but it helps to hear it again.
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