I'm back from surgery!!! Praise the Lord!!!!

Rocky U.
on 5/20/04 8:03 pm - Modesto, CA
This is my first day back online. I've been home since Wed. afternoon but was too sore to attempt the stairs up to the computer. I feel better everyday though. I've been walking twice a day and other than that, just resting. I've been pretty faithful with my prayers. I can't thank Jesus enough. Thank you everyone for praying for me. There is strength in numbers so let all keep praying together for one another. Let's pray for strength in faith in addition to good health. God's will be done! Love to all Cindy (Rocky)
Ann N.
on 5/21/04 1:00 pm - FL
Cindy, congrats on making it to the other side! Our Lord is faithful and may He continue to bless and speed you in your recovery.
Sherri H.
on 5/23/04 3:50 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Cindy, I am praying for you right now. How wonderful the Lord is to bring you through safely. He is so awesome. In His love, Sherri
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