SurgeryWentGreat!Praise God!!!!!
Hi,I got home Thursday they let me out 11:00am.I was so happy to be out .They removed my drain tube....which was a huge blessing.They said everything was doing great.I got up and walked as soon as I could open my eyes from the anesia...Our God is So AWESOME.He healed me so fast ....I had great nurses except for one ,who was only there a couple hours Thank You Jesus.My Hubby stayed with me the whole time and took care of me also.I really appreciate all your prayers.Thank You.
God Bless,Angi the "Big Fat Looser"

Congratulations Angi... I am so pleased that your surgery went so well. God has been good to me also. I had surgery April 27 and have pretty much been problem free! God is so Good! His awesome power far exceeds what we can even imagine or think. May God continue to bless you as you fully recover! In His ARms,